Example sentences of "that [was/were] quite [art] " in BNC.

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1 That was quite a relief too .
2 That was quite a place , ’ she enthused .
3 That was quite a revelation in those years of juvenilia .
4 Having been four-over par after his first three holes on Thursday , that was quite a recovery .
5 Even so , I noticed Rosie was doing it , and that was quite a sight too !
6 Mouthed all the swear words I could think of — and that was quite a lot .
7 That was quite a coup , considering that EastEnders is a BBC programme .
8 I thought , ‘ This name looks good in print , ’ and that was quite a relief because Aspel is not a good name to pronounce — people always want to say Aspirin or Cesspool … .
9 That was quite a bang , literally — the sound of the explosion was heard thousands of miles away .
10 That was , thing is that was quite a long time ago .
11 THAT was quite a highlight for me .
12 That was quite a breakthrough in the recording of these works on period instruments , making me eager for many more discs of Haydn from him .
13 Please continue to send papers for any relevant meetings and an attempt will be made to respond to appropriate issues , if there is any specific topic you wish to be considered , please do not hesitate to get in touch so I thought that was quite a nice letter seeing as I practically read them all
14 That was quite a nice dinner you ordered , though you need n't have been quite so Spartan — I 'm glad to see you 've allowed us some sugar with these raspberries — I appreciated your nuance of not having the fish just grilled .
15 That was quite a useful move .
16 But that was that was quite a good school , went through there via a Mr , he was a very nice teacher , very efficient , and he did n't believe in the cane , he did n't .
17 And erm =ut er th that that was quite a quite a good school , quite a modern school but I I 'd er I 'd er I was n't able to stay there long because I was approaching my thirteenth birthday you see than .
18 That was quite a lot of money then was n't it ?
19 And er that was quite a few years ago , about the conditions and on tea estates , and er er that was partly why we switched mostly to Kenyan tea I think after that .
20 That was quite a telephone bill , ’ I said as we moved off .
21 So presumably that was quite a popular piece of er legislation ?
22 Erm th that was sent away to London white metal that that that was quite a costly affair as well .
23 That was quite a performance you gave this evening . ’
24 Yeah I was just looking at erm I thought that was quite a bit of resolute defending there from er Whitlow .
25 Okay you covered all that okay yeah erm I think the objection bit you could 've been a bit better on that one erm cos that was quite a sort of bad one , well you 're not too sure about sort of giving his name or his telephone number out
26 That was quite a job you did on him , you and Niall between you . ’
27 That was quite a promise you made to your father tonight , ’ Damian said softly .
28 It seems amazing now , but that was quite a regular thing with the big houses . ’
29 And that was quite a good idea , because late at night following wedding parties and other , if anybody was behaving in an disorderly manner and people were returning home , they would always tell the policeman that they saw that a rowdy crowd were coming along .
30 that was quite a concern really , no it , I think it was nine percent last year and it 's down to about four four and a half
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