Example sentences of "that [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In the late 1960s , Ceauşescu himself had called for a strengthening of the traditional family , but when that failed to have the desired effect of boosting the birth-rate , the regime reversed its direction from promoting old-fashioned morality as a stimulus to conception .
2 The Government said parents knew best but that failed to recognise the professionalism of teachers and the close links between teachers , parents and schools .
3 She , and many of the women like her whom I met , still does all the housework , just like before , and on top of that has to manage the effect of her husband 's traumatic discovery of something women have always known — what it feels like to be economically dependent .
4 Course and the bomb gone on the broke the winches and that , and that had gone so far , you know , that timber , that has crushed the timber all , more or less all together .
5 It is an intriguing picture of how local industries have developed , and how that has affected the people who worked within it .
6 Contrary to what he said , that has enabled the industry to maintain production at much the same levels as those of 1990 .
7 ‘ I only get tax relief on the first £30,000 , so that has remained the same .
8 That has reached the proportions of a scandal and those non-trees give a new meaning to the term ’ invisible assets ’ .
9 But it is Islam , not Christianity , that has realised the danger of privatisation and the negative and draining effect it can have on public life .
10 That has threatened the whole concept of compulsory competitive tendering and we will keep threatening the government 's compulsory competitive tendering regime by using TUPE and the acquired rights directive as the legal shield to protect our members ' jobs and public services from the Tylers of this world .
11 Not only is it impractical , and possibly unethical , to restrict psychobiological studies to work on humans and great apes but it would also mean throwing out most of the work done to date , since most of that has involved the use of non-primates like cats , hamsters , and especially rats .
12 It was the latter suggestion , and how it was put into practice , that has enslaved the working man to this day .
13 That has given the whole company a step up , including Crate , who , as we mentioned earlier , are now making use of the systems that I came here with . ’
14 In many cases , that has given the family an added incentive and advantage .
15 Indeed it is the ability of the Apple Macintosh to integrate text and graphics so elegantly that has driven the market forward .
16 That has left the impression that trade policy is at the mercy of ad hoc decision-making by a variety of officials .
17 We have witnessed the abolition of the local domestic business rate , the introduction of the non-domestic business rate and the way in which that has concentrated the power of decision-making still further in the hands of Ministers .
18 Since they are both high-class batsmen this comes as quite a surprise , but looking through the records one sees that one of them has failed fairly often ; their strength is that when that has happened the other has usually gone on to a big score , thereby relieving the pressure on the middle order .
19 It is the increasing burden of excise duty , however , that has reduced the strength of mild : at the turn of the century the average gravity of mild ale in Britain was 1050 degrees , the strength of a powerful modern bitter .
20 has responded to those by , for example , over this year there has been closed circuit television at one of the Park and Rides — I think it 's Thornhill — in consultation with the Police , and the Police have told us that that has reduced the number of crimes that have occurred and we have put
21 That has brought the Gwili Railway alone six members to date , to say nothing of the other railway societies I have joined .
22 absolute nonsense and he took an accolade for that , when in fact , it was never under any threat from European legislation , it was our own British Food Act , and that , our own interpretation of European war , that has brought the threat to us .
23 At least that has brought the police here . ’
24 That has settled the whole matter .
25 He said : ‘ It is the case that landings of fish have been good recently and that has depressed the price of fish at the market .
26 And that has encouraged the Geordies to believe they still have a fighting chance of keeping him .
27 It is primarily her appearance , not the formal language of her art , that has graced the pages of Elle and Vogue magazines .
28 But I was rewriting that to try to get the lines to work and all of those things , and they mess it up a little bit , which annoyed me .
29 In the absence of the hoteliers , Mr Campbell announced that the merger proposals had been accepted by 111 votes to 22 and that plans to unify the two area tourist boards would now proceed .
30 As this was going on we decided to inlay a wide applewood string around the circumference of the table as that seemed to frame the burrs most satisfactorily .
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