Example sentences of "as she [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Her nipple was hard and swollen in Luke 's mouth , its hot stinging ache too much like pleasure , and she knew herself doubly degraded , by his kiss and by her own response to it , the pleading curve of her body as she pressed herself into his mouth a flagrant denial of the protest screaming in her mind .
2 ‘ You really are a darling Barney , ’ Julie laughed , as she lowered herself into the rear of the two individual cockpits and pulled the waterproof liner around her waist .
3 ‘ I have been given your husband 's log book by your brother , Mrs Hatton , ’ he said gently as she recovered herself .
4 He let his hand wander a little , and got it petulantly pushed away as she heaved herself out of the clutches of the chesterfield 's upholstery , and sat up on the edge of it .
5 He heard the garden chair squeak and sigh as she heaved herself out of
6 As she heaved herself up against the pillows she discovered she was wearing a man 's shirt , extra-large and striped , and she 'd never seen that before , either .
7 He gave her a strained smile as she extricated herself .
8 ‘ Entertaining the proprietor was n't part of the job description , ’ she offered , her tone creamy as she nerved herself to continue the debate if necessary .
9 She must have known I was watching as she lifted herself from the lake , water running down her long back , the skin glistening in the light cast from the house across the lawn .
10 No , it did n't ; he still persisted in either standing too close or laying his hand on her arm then watching with amusement as she wrenched herself free .
11 And thence to Halifax where they had entered the town in their thousands , led by the women , Sairellen had been pleased to hear , walking four and five abreast , empty-handed and bare-headed as she had herself once walked to York , singing the psalm she too had sung on that day .
12 She ate as directed by Taggy , and made no fuss when that dame looked after her much as she had herself done for her deceased employer — nursing her and acting as lady 's maid , and combing out her troublesome copper hair , until Theda felt strong enough to perform this office for herself .
13 He did n't blame her for what she 'd done half as much as she blamed herself .
14 She gasped as she pierced herself and , holding her breath , pushed her finger as far up her bum as it would go .
15 On the phone an oily face cracked a smile as she identified herself .
16 The panic receded as she forced herself to make practical plans .
17 She could barely focus as she forced herself to look back at him .
18 There was a thread of anger in the question , but Fran ignored it , just as she forced herself to ignore the sudden surge of hope that filled her heart .
19 Lindsey shunted the thought quickly aside , appalled to feel the faint colour rising in her cheeks as she forced herself to meet Niall 's questioning gaze .
20 One distributor asked for more direct satire to be used and suggested catchlines like ‘ She was not as red as she painted herself . ’
21 And , as she steeled herself to look up into his face , Folly realised with shock that Luke Hunter was actually laughing .
22 As she flung herself down to clasp his knees he stood rigid .
23 Liza did not know how she got back to her billet , only that she had bicycled so fast and furiously that , as she flung herself on her bed , she thought , grimly , that if anyone had reason to miscarry at that juncture it was she herself .
24 ‘ Does one , ’ asked Gay rhetorically , as she seated herself on the foot of the bed , ‘ quarrel with those to whom one is totally indifferent ? ’
25 Smoothing down her skirt as she seated herself , she reached over and started up the secondary computer .
26 He was looking across at her as she seated herself gingerly in the armchair opposite him .
27 She practically flung herself into the driver 's seat , moaning loudly with pain as she eased herself into position and started the engine .
28 This was not entirely true of the matronly middle aged woman and her elderly male companion sitting three seats away from me , as she applied herself methodically to his penis .
29 He watched his wife carefully out of the corner of his eye as she busied herself , stacking blankets , opening chests , replacing candles in their holders .
30 Carrie had her back to him as she busied herself by the fire .
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