Example sentences of "as she feel his " in BNC.

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1 It 's like kissing the housemaid , thought Franca , as she felt his big animal presence .
2 Susan had looked up as she felt his glance and had smiled towards him before moving to the group by the window .
3 She screamed as she felt his fingers pulling at her knickers .
4 She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt his hand slip under her T-shirt .
5 As she felt his hands travel across her body , she closed her eyes and with them her mind .
6 She jumped back in surprise as she felt his fingers beneath hers , twined around the handle .
7 With a deep moan of pleasure she guided his head to her breasts , arching back as she felt his mouth wetly caressing them .
8 Seconds later she was suddenly aware that he had drawn gently away , and her eyes flew open in shock as she felt his firm hand untangling her fingers from his hair .
9 Fingers entwined in the dark hair of the head still at her breasts , Maria cried out softly , shifting her position instinctively as she felt his hand circle her hip and then slide urgently to the softness at the top of her thighs and accept the invitation implicit in her movement .
10 Maria was sobbing with desire as she felt his hands push insistently at her thighs , and then the rigid flesh she had freed to her caress just moments previously was nudging at her body , demanding entry and release .
11 She shut her eyes as she felt his lips trace a light pattern of kisses that ended at the nape of her neck .
12 Robyn gasped and felt the sharp ache deep in the pit of her stomach , as his hands covered both breasts , moulding and squeezing , gasped again as she felt his lips following his touch and she felt the pull of his mouth , sucking and probing at each aroused nipple .
13 Theda groped about the surface of the desk as she felt his lips burning into her neck , sending the betraying heat flittering through her .
14 ‘ How dare you come barging into my room without knocking ? ’ she gasped , scrambling up on to the rumpled counterpane , two hands going up to her blonde hair as she felt his gaze take a rapid inventory of her voluptuous disarray .
15 Her lips felt swollen from his kiss , her body shuddering as she felt his hand , pressed tensely against her spine , hesitate for a moment and then , as if he could not stop himself , slide around caressingly over her slender body and up to the full swell of her breast .
16 ‘ As soon as possible , ’ she sighed ecstatically , hardly able to breathe as she felt his strong hands slowly undoing the zip of her dress , shuddering with excitement at the touch of his fingers against her bare skin .
17 She sighed as she felt his mouth gently touching hers , before the sweet warmth of his tongue parted her lips to avidly savour the inner softness of her mouth .
18 She leaned forward , her hair falling across her face , and as he lifted his head she brought her lips down on his , parting them with her tongue at the same moment as she felt his hands unzipping her jeans .
19 Then her eyes widened in surprise as she felt his lips against her fingers , his unexpected caress sending shooting stars through her veins .
20 Instead , her arms crept round his body , and her hands spread over his back , as she felt his muscles straining to hold her closer .
21 Suddenly , as his hands closed over her breasts , she realised that the black lace jacket of her suit was somehow unbuttoned and he was tugging down the lacy bra cups , whispering hotly against her naked throat , and as his head moved lower and his mouth closed hotly over her erect nipples she twisted beneath him , moaning , clutching his dark head as she felt his teeth graze her with agonising pleasure .
22 ‘ Oh , God … ! ’ she choked out thickly , pushing at his shoulders , but he was so strong that she was helpless against that strength , her heart pounding as she felt his hard thighs press closer against her to trap her there .
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