Example sentences of "as they did [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How early Pound came by this perception is not clear , but certainly he had no illusions from the first that his Cantos , building as they did on the rhythmical and thematic procedures of Homage to Sextus Propertius , would be found readily acceptable .
2 Perhaps in time they 'll turn more of their songs into group showcases , as they did on Cash 's Big River , but as the Highwaymen rode into the sunset , they 'd succeeded in that most country of missions : they 'd kept their pride intact , and their boots on .
3 The Puritans frowned on the adorning of wells and springs as much as they did on adorning maypoles , and the tradition of decorating wells with flowers and green branches at the spring festivals , or on the feast of the patron saint of the well , died out .
4 Rooms did not interconnect or have folding doors , as they did on the Continent ; they had a single door that could be shut .
5 Animate or inanimate , indifferent or not , there was something luminous and terrible about these clouds , raining as they did on the just and the unjust alike .
6 And it may be that the Gardener Centre has a broader community function than previously realized , in that it might be a marvellous place for families and kids and mums and dads , as they did on the recent Gardener Open Day , to come up and spend some time in casual appreciation of the arts instead of what , traditionally , a university campus is supposed to do , which is a serious and intensive look at experimental and avant garde work .
7 He feels that , for such an important event , countries should have a day 's rest between their games , as they did at the 1986 World Cup in London , where England lost in the final to Australia .
8 He feels that , for such an important event , countries should have a day 's rest between their games , as they did at the 1986 World Cup in London , where England lost in the final to Australia .
9 A few girls were dancing together as they did at the youth club hops and the dancing was of the proper ‘ ballroom variety ’ — waltzes , quicksteps and foxtrots .
10 She could be pretty , she decided , if her hair were not so tightly scraped back from her face and if her eyes shone with eagerness , as they did at this moment .
11 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s .
12 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s
13 Cleaning up contamination is wonderfully labour-intensive : some old military sites being cleaned up by the Department of Energy now employ twice as many people as they did at their peak of production .
14 Ealhfrith 's personal religious predilections need not necessarily have borne undertones of political dissatisfaction but the differences on ecclesiastical matters between father and son , coming as they did at a time of profound change in Oswiu 's former position of influence in southern England , probably reflected a crisis of potentially serious dimensions .
15 I know you know of it and have even assayed it in a pipe , as they did at court when Astraea ruled and she was inclined to taste it now and then .
16 ‘ I would love to see how Leeds would handle the situation if we scored in the first minute , as they did at Ibrox . ’
17 Men did not get rich through running as they did through boxing .
18 Third , they would have the same percentage — 55.6 — of the list votes as they did of the actual constituency votes .
19 On their part the workers protested over " oppressions " in the shape of late wage payment , truck , " stoppages " from pay for allegedly deficient workmanship , of effecting wage cuts by increasing the measure of work expected for a " price " , and of deducting excessive charges for rent of equipment and the supply of essential items , as often as they did of employers ' combinations to lower wages .
20 Such standards , which exclude the possibility of adultery and divorce , appear today to be impossibly hard , just as they did to Jesus ' disciples then .
21 Sometimes she saw the three of them as expatriates , stranded in some remote colony , obstinately adhering to old customs , a lost way of life , as they did to old forms of worship .
22 Such gestures appealed to many Romanians , as they did to Western observers anxious to see Ceauşescu as a ‘ patriot ’ and reformer .
23 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
24 He walked up to him , aware of the ring of his feet on the tiled floor , wondering whether they sounded as portentous to the priest as they did to him .
25 They suffered considerable prejudice and criticism , adding as they did to the already excessive pool of surplus urban labour , though in practice they concentrated in trades , such as tailoring , in which there was relatively little competition .
26 There they give just the same protection to their new owners as they did to the jellyfish that developed them .
27 As they did to Mala and me .
28 In her blue dress with the big , lace collar , she must have looked as strange to the other customers as they did to her .
29 In cosmopolitan Cairo with its three principal working languages and at least a dozen other widely used ones people turned as readily to the overseas press as they did to the native one .
30 Galway will obviously be keen to shake Kilkenny out of their stride in the early stages — just as they did to Tipperary , indeed .
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