Example sentences of "as he [adv] did " in BNC.

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1 Alexander was probably right to think , as he evidently did , that he would be better off if Persia rather than Athens ruled the Aegean : within a decade of the establishment of the Delian League , Athens began the expansion in the north , and the attempt to settle Amphipolis , on the River Strymon , which at certain times in the next century and a half dominated her foreign policy to the exclusion of all else ( Thuc. iv.102 ; Σ Aischin. ii.31 ) .
2 In Troeltsch 's own case , it is very clear that even when he sought — as he also did — to function as a Christian theologian , and to work out a pattern of Christian doctrine , his approach was deeply coloured by the relativism of his wider approach to the study of religion .
3 Evans ascribed this seal to the Syro-Hittite class as he also did a specimen found at Vari , south of Athens on the Greek mainland .
4 Perhaps the most significant intellectual advance of the mid-20th century was indeed made by Karl Popper , not because he provided any kind of method for scientists to pursue ( as he decidedly did not ) but because he showed for the first time in formal philosophy , that science is inescapably a human activity , and that if its underlying human-ness is ever shelved it is only temporarily , and for convenience , to ameliorate human frailty .
5 He had been thinking , as he frequently did , of pain , and of how it almost seemed as though Rogal Dorn had singled him out for special benediction even before the Primarch 's germ-plasm had been introduced into his body …
6 Then , as he frequently did , he took a moral line , based on what he saw as natural law , and said he would not blame , and might even assist , the victim 's relatives in such a case , should they wish to exact retribution and then hide .
7 It was not the remark Mr Crumwallis had been expecting , but he perked up , as he frequently did in interviews with parents , when an opportunity for fraudulent self-congratulation presented itself .
8 I called him as usual , and he answered with his usual whinny but made no effort to come to me as he normally did .
9 Naturally , he listens to recommendations from the local councils , as he clearly did on this occasion , but he was absolutely right not to adopt all their suggestions .
10 For example , what if Mr Heath had won the February 1974 general election , as he nearly did , and carried on as Prime Minister ?
11 Or — as Michel Debré and others recommended — he could have presented a draft constitution to the people for approval , as he later did in 1958 .
12 As he describes himself he had been , during the nineties at Cambridge and afterwards , a rather worldly , flippant creature , erm but after this experience something changed within him , and he says , and I suppose , I think we must believe that it is true , that it was on account of this sort of moral mystical experience that his whole attitude to the world was changed , and he was provided with the peculiar moral strength to fight the battles , as he later did fight , against war and other such things .
13 ‘ Well , as much as he ever did .
14 When he slept there , as he occasionally did in the classroom on the ground floor known for some mysterious reason as the ‘ Remove ’ , he could hear the trains run past the end of the garden and to him it was the most romantic sound in the world .
15 I have very unpleasant recollections of sitting for him , for it was of utmost importance not to move but to fix him right in the eye and listen to him complain , saying as he always did that he was getting nowhere .
16 He lay on his back for a few moments as he always did , then turned onto his right side , arranging himself as if for sleep .
17 He went to bed to dream uneasily , and woke early as he always did in the early stages of a case before he had got the machine working properly .
18 She was sitting on the floor , surrounded by dogs and cats — when Christopher came in , and lay on the sofa , without a word — as he always did — and listened to the music with her .
19 When the meal was finished Harry excused himself , as he always did , and went to take a nap down by the pool .
20 He paused as he always did at the foot of the stairs , his left hand holding the lamp , his right hand resting on the banisters .
21 Corbett ate sparingly as he always did .
22 After supper Uncle Bill would put me , as he always did , in the big double bed in the room next the kitchen , and then he 'd leave the door open , and I 'd lie and listen to him and Bernard yarning , wondering how soon it would be before they got into bed , one on either side of me .
23 He kept his voice as reasonable as he always did , since there was no point in anyone becoming heated .
24 In the winter of that year , Edouard arrived there punctually at nine , as he always did .
25 Firmly replacing the lid he marvelled , as he always did , at the difference one girl and an eighteen-month-old baby could make to the volume of household waste .
26 On my last afternoon at home , surrounded by grey shirts and socks , I looked from the window and saw Bobby Bowen in his best suit with the extra wide trousers walking quickly down the hill , whistling beautifully as he always did , with lots of grace notes .
27 Kirov arrived at the agreed meeting place as he always did , at the exact specified time .
28 Then slowly , reluctantly almost , they would rise into the air and Rob would let go his breath , and his flight engineer would say , ‘ Bloody lovely , ’ as he always did .
29 And he had put the post in her hand personally as he always did .
30 At that point Peter woke up , as he always did .
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