Example sentences of "as i [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 As I drank my tea , I heard her answer the phone : ‘ Terrible morning , can I help you ? ’
2 But more surprises were in store as I unearthed my first Roman coin .
3 As I finished my meal an entire flotilla of portly Bavarians waddled out , having consumed vast quantities of beer with their enormous meal .
4 ‘ Oh , I can , ’ he said as I finished my meal and leaned back , wiping my mouth on the back of my hand , more to annoy him that anything else .
5 As I munched my bun , Richard said ‘ you are involved now ’ .
6 I can get about a bit , I 'm not er hobbling as much , as l as long as I take my time I 'm not too bad .
7 As I take my seat , Lil rushes in , with an apologetic nod .
8 There are gas masks , ration books , lots of soldiers , sailors and airmen and hordes of pretty girls , plus some ladies dressed just as I remember my own mother and Auntie Ethel !
9 As I clicked my stopwatch at the start line it began to rain .
10 So much so in fact that tonight , as I filled my cat 's litter tray with ‘ Sophisticat ’ , I noticed a distinct similarity to standard aquarium ammonia remover .
11 I was sure the triptych mirror was one of her own treasures and I opened it carefully to see myself as I brushed my hair and applied a quick dab of lipstick , the red paint which marked me as a Westerner as surely as my blue eyes and blondish hair .
12 Much as I like my Barbour , I have to admit it is not a safe colour and wear a reflective Sam Browne belt in poor weather .
13 The woods crowd in on me as I make my way along the ancient track .
14 The white tube , the cork-effect filter , the solid hot flare of the match and my lips tell me of my lungs as I make my own smoke , with its blue drifting and acrid smell .
15 I take a look in the file as I make my way down to the main entrance .
16 As I make my way through my lecture tours overseas I am frequently asked who was the best , and I have to evade a proper answer because each group had its Gibsons , but at different times .
17 Now that when , as soon as I get my cheque from the British Legion for two hundred , roughly .
18 I do n't care , as long as I get my money .
19 As soon as I get my legs out of bed , that 's first thing I pick up , my glasses .
20 which is why I said to him that yeah he can have a new computer , he can get what he , you know what he wants as long as I get my bedroom done
21 The organist and I finished more or less together and I turned to him for reassurance as I announced my next song : ‘ And now , ‘ ’ Summer Time' ’ . '
22 At last , as I set my knife and fork down , I caught the gloomy eye of my table-companion and ventured to say , ‘ You will be in Geneva tomorrow in time to see this wretched woman brought to justice , I presume ? ’
23 The Rising Star and Half Moon began to shine as I wended my way back over the Skerne Bridge .
24 Summoning up all my courage , I entered San Esteban and its overpowering gilded Churriguera altar seemed to welcome me like a long-lost friend as I dipped my hand in the holy-water stoup at the door and knelt to pray in front of Claudio Coello 's heavenly blue painting .
25 Thirty pairs of eyes stared with unwavering concentration as I dipped my hand into the all-too-familiar breakfast of slightly sour rice and salted fish .
26 ‘ I knew your name as I knew my own .
27 His green eyes pools of limpid clarity and wholly deceptive depth , but his swift grin wicked , Michele replied provocatively , ‘ I ca n't make love to a housekeeper or beat her into submission the way I could a wife , and , as I prefer my domestic arrangements to run without a hitch , I have to tread circumspectly . ’
28 Because as I heard my mother speak Italian all the time and my cousins , you really ca can in my , you know in your
29 As I accelerated my pace I asked myself what I was doing here , and I did n't know the answer .
30 He 'd follow me where I fancied , as I avoided my education .
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