Example sentences of "as i [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 It will certainly seem so to the Englishman ( as I take him to be ) , who found in the ‘ Envoi ’ to Hugh Selwyn Mauberley — Pound 's most explicit farewell to England , as he prepared to leave her in 1918 — ‘ externality : an externality which , considering what Mauberley attempts , is utterly disabling ’ .
2 He wants a girl friend and I want a boy friend , and as I like him ( or at least what I know of him ) and I think he likes me , I think it would be good for both of us if we could be friends .
3 I felt like a jaded casting director as I banished him to the wastepaper bin .
4 I was pleased when he asked me to do the test-flying programme for him and I had no qualms in agreeing , as I knew him to be a meticulous engineer .
5 In reflecting on Basil as a person , I can only make comment as I knew him , over a dozen years or so and , during which time , I can not recall one unkind word or act he ever directed towards me .
6 I can still picture him as I knew him , his sensitive , ascetic face etched with lines of pain but lit by his innate kindliness , his lean body in comfortable country tweeds .
7 My heart sank ( again , not literally ! ) as I heard him say , ‘ Right then , I 'm sure you 'll work with Brian today , wo n't you David ? ’
8 Everything became bitingly clear to me as soon as I saw him turn round sharply and stare at me .
9 As soon as I saw him I knew you 'd love him . ’
10 I still remember him as I saw him then .
11 I knew your Papa was the one as soon as I saw him .
12 I 've had to go back up in to him , yeah , but I do n't know what happened last night , I do n't know whether he was not quite tired enough , erm , he must of got up as soon as I put him down and started sort of moaning then I went into the girls and I sorted them out he started screaming he did , so I had to go to him in and lay him down and making him lay down
13 I shall beam on him as I serve him lunch and if the old bastard is particularly unpleasant I 'll be able to reflect on how bad he 'll feel when he 's unmasked .
14 I liked him as soon as I met him and came to do so even more over the ensuing months .
15 As I followed him across the road , he roared off-straight through green traffic lights and into the distance .
16 As I followed him into the little building I smiled to myself .
17 I sighed inwardly as I followed him .
18 As I followed him through the doorway the porter whispered , " Get your braces undone , sir , do n't keep him waiting . "
19 ‘ Someone who wanted to do what you 've just done , ’ I said as I followed him inside .
20 Well I do n't , I do n't have to give him a key as long as I let him in , you do n't have to have a key , but he can arrange , he can arrange for me to be there
21 Then , as I passed him , he would say : ‘ Oh , Stevens , there was something I meant to say to you . ’
22 ‘ 84 for 2 , Mr Beesley , ’ I would shout as I passed him snoozing in the sun beneath the gangling wisteria .
23 I tooted Armstrong 's horn as I passed him , but he did n't wave .
24 Because as I ask him some question about women , wine or wit Dudley Moore is busy chewing his nails until they might well bleed , it does n't seem too rude to mention the ends of his fingertips .
25 ‘ I think it 's admirable that you 're a nature-lover , Stevens , ’ he said , as I served him .
26 blinked at me blearily as I told him we had better ring the hospital .
27 I should explain that I never once thought that he should ‘ give way to me ’ — as Nonni said he should — because I was ill ; only because , as I told him , I had always thought of him as ‘ a reasonable human being with some pretensions to morality ’ .
28 Speaking as one of them , I can tell this person that I am a single mother , not from choice , but because my baby 's father scarpered as soon as I told him I was pregnant .
29 We wotchered each other as I led him across the road .
30 He must do as I tell him ! ’
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