Example sentences of "as it be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is hard for science to verify such an idea as it is beyond its scope to understand certain aspects of the unborn personality .
2 ‘ I know that sounds terrible , ’ he says , ‘ but the art scene in America is not as elite as it is over here .
3 They 're in plenty enough trouble as it is over this deal . ’
4 Only some of the leaves are stripped , however , as it is through the foliage that the vine breathes , and the cultivator must use his skill to decide which leaves to strip .
5 These areas are of vital importance as it is through them that the majority of people experience ‘ the countryside ’ at first hand , whether for formal or informal recreation .
6 The nearest naked-eye star to the pole is Sigma Octantis , but as it is below the fifth magnitude it will be hidden by mist or moonlight .
7 ‘ New Eros ’ — carried as it is on an elaborately established sobbing and languorous rhythm , the word ‘ new ’ denies itself .
8 BSB is also committed to spending as much on producing new programmes as it is on buying from the BBC archives .
9 In fact his death made this unrealizable , although Engels 's book , The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , based as it is on Marx 's notes , was intended to be the one that Marx was unable to write .
10 Such an ambitious Tuscan confection surely deserves a cakestand , assembled as it is on a noble pedestal of rock , its buildings ( mixed plain and fancy ) composed of that porous tufa which looks much like sponge cake and which comes in all the golds , pinks , browns and mauves of the best Battenberg .
11 Modelled as it is on the a priori science of geometry , his ideal of a scientific natural philosophy is that of a textbook rationalist .
12 Before the arrival of the Packman , filling sprayers at Overy Farm was done in much the same way as it is on thousands of farms across the country .
13 ‘ My routine in practice is just as it is on course . ’
14 I do n't know how you normally do this for overseas payments : possibly take the rate of exchange as it is on the day of cheque request ?
15 My ambition now is to move into film and music with Hysteria — which promises to be as big a success as Zabat — centred as it is on the passionate potential of Blackwomen 's Creativity ! ’
16 Our comprehension , however , based as it is on observation , intuition , and guesswork is always only partial .
17 And that statement , given that such a book can never be complete nor , when based as it is on Burke 's volume , without error , is true .
18 Edwards noted in 1977 that ‘ reorganisation in Scotland , based as it is on small authorities , is unlikely to do much to stimulate development ’ .
19 It is difficult to accept Gandhi 's argument , based as it is on an evolutionary view of history , that mankind is continually moving in the direction of an utopia where ahi sā will prevail .
20 ‘ I once went to Japan to advise on a course , ’ he continued , ‘ and they wanted this bunker reproduced exactly as it is on the Old Course . ’
21 Ralph Lauren 's trademark steed certainly is n't speaking the same language on a bootleg shirt here on a Brooklyn market stall as it is on Manhatten 's Upper East Side .
22 The often surprising results of the January Old Master drawing sales in New York revealed that it is just as easy to overspend on a drawing as it is on a painting , and conversely , that despite high prices for a few grand names , drawings still remain a little understood and modestly priced field .
23 The claim that on this basis the Greek fossils fit better with Australopithecus afarensis is certainly correct , but based as it is on primitive characters this conclusion has no phylogenetic significance .
24 A word processor is a screen-based memory system which means that if you type a letter or a calculation on the visual display unit then press the print-out command , the letter or calculation will be typed exactly as it is on the screen .
25 It is not , however , as clear-cut in this country as it is on the continent .
26 The value of EModE occasional spellings is given considerable support by the Belfast evidence , put together as it is on the basis of detailed observation of the spoken variety and real-time evidence ( Patterson , 1860 ) .
27 I would respectfully agree with this comment , based as it is on the premise that the case can be brought within one or other of the paragraphs of section 82(1) .
28 What needs to be stressed at this juncture is the fact that this historical moment , the focus of attention in this book , centred as it is on the literary production of an interwar French communist writer , marks only the first phase of development of French socialist realism , a phase characterised in the international sphere by an objective alliance after 1934 between Western liberalism and Soviet communism designed to counter the threat of fascism , and characterised in the French national context by practical collaboration between the PCF and bourgeois liberal parties .
29 Based as it is on " literary standards " culled from the nineteenth-century realist tradition , it does not envisage the possibility of " reflecting " the complexity of the historical process in anything other than relatively conventional and traditional formal terms .
30 It is a conditional influence , the bounds of which are dependent as much on the ability to mobilise and win popular support ( which it clearly did not do immediately after Vietnam , when expenditure on the military fell ) as it is on manufacturing an unholy alliance between numerous competing bureaucratic , industrial and military institutions .
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