Example sentences of "as [vb -s] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But what have we here as plays the ball across , it comes back off and out to the left hand side where the urgency from the crowd is for to get rid of it .
2 More recently mortality in hospital has again become a subject of concern , as has the difficulty of comparing mortalities in hospitals .
3 The new sales office has been established for some time , as has the computer system connected on direct line to the main processor at Elderslie .
4 Questions of attribution have been deliberately avoided , as has the work of amateur artists , and there is little emphasis on issues of social or political background .
5 Now that 's all gone , as has the wealth and a lot of the people , but the local museums have recorded it all , often very realistically .
6 The cyclicity of support has varied between countries , as has the depth and persistence of that support .
7 Club rugby , through this wealthy , first-class ‘ tail ’ wagging the club ‘ dog ’ , has been decimated , as has the system which once had 15 viable unions catering for all players at all levels in a rather rough and amateurism but entirely wholesome — and ultimately highly successful and fairer — why .
8 Like Nigeria , Libya has been badly affected by growing North Sea production as has the development of its oil industry .
9 As many of you will have seen the Macmillan Nurse Appeal has also been launched as has the Help The Aged Home Security Appeal , and appeals by Oxfam and Guide Dogs for the Blind , so it appears we have made the right decision to delay until January .
10 The ‘ take-away ’ industry has grown suddenly and dramatically , as has the consumption of vast quantities of junk foods — you only have to look at all those supermarket trolleys piled high with packets of crisps and cans of fizzy drink .
11 Apart from questions of the pattern of usage , the overall amount of usage has steadily increased , as has the cost .
12 Of course , the number of applications approved has increased over the years , as has the assistance offered .
13 Since then local sourcing of components has improved markedly , as has the proportion of Vauxhall-Opel 's UK sales which derive from its UK car plants as opposed to those on the Continent .
14 For the occasion a series of frescoes of around 1267 have been restored , as has the tombstone of Abbot Cotta .
15 The importance of sales promotions has increased steadily since the 1960s , as has the sophistication of methods used .
16 ‘ That were Bill Oldenshaw , him as has the farm over by Stones Place .
17 At the £500 certain income level , they are constructed to have the same slope ( and the same slope as has the curve labelled C , which would be appropriate for a risk-neutral person ) .
18 Nevertheless , let us not forget that the cost of our massive boat building and shoreworks modernisation programmes has arisen significantly , as has the expense of operating our lifeboat service .
19 The team physiotherapist , Alejandro Koch , has been banned for a year because , in Fifa 's words , he was ‘ an accomplice of the doctor ’ , as has the kit man , N Maldonado , because ‘ he got rid of the gloves and jersey of the goalkeeper ’ .
20 In the last of these particularly , the peristyle has now been restored , as has the garden , and one gains a vivid impression of the original appearance ( 144 ) .
21 The importance of good lighting for people who are visually handicapped has already been stressed , as has the need for each child 's requirements in levels of lighting to be stressed .
22 The 100-mile city is post-industrial : docks and heavy industry have gone , as has the compression of different trades into dense areas .
23 Regulatory authorities and programme requirements Bringing all commercial television services — ITV , Channel 5 , cable and British Satellite Broadcasting — under a single authority has been welcomed , as has the establishment of a separate authority for radio .
24 The case in which the reference levels are reset has been triggered on numerous occasions , as has the debugging version in which user action is required every measurement .
25 Locals in the attractive rural setting adjacent to the intended site on Woodbank Farm have also objected formally , as has the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland .
26 It is worth noting that the Woolf report also drew attention to those management problems , as has the director of the prison service , Mr. Joe Pilling .
27 That 's been er er a matter which has been erm discussed er at some length by Stragg as has the topic of er house building and the the problems of er capacity for er new house instruction and other development within the , the Council but a number of erm matters er not least of which has been er the departure of two key members of staff during the period er there has er I 'm afraid been a degree of slippage and the original programme that we have put to you and which you agreed which we said at the time was ambitious er is already er showing signs of stress and it looks now I 'm afraid that it will not be er in the early part of the summer that the structure plan in draft form will be available and ready to be approved for consultation purposes , but towards the end of the summer and er er into the early autumn .
28 In textbooks and audio material for language teaching the characters are usually there as pegs the language can be hung on .
29 In this case the findings of the justices and their reasons , so far as concerns the making of the order for costs , were announced by them in the following terms :
30 The basic rules enunciated in ss9 and 12 are unvariable so far as concerns the right of a third party to bring proceedings against a firm or against individual members .
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