Example sentences of "as [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Misunderstandings have sometimes arisen from an unwarrantable belief that title deeds are sacrosanct documents , whereas the truth is that neither a conveyance nor a land certificate retains its value if the landowner is so indifferent as to lose physical control of his land .
2 And second , it must be conceived and laid out in such a way as to support existing shops and shopping streets .
3 The crucial area of debate centres upon whether the signals from ecologically fragile and marginal areas will reach institutions and governments so as to induce appropriate innovations for those areas .
4 But , as we shall see , in Marxist scholarship there are those who have modified Marx original theory so as to accommodate these changes in a way which is consistent with the original insight about the determined nature of the locus of power in capitalist societies .
5 One major problem is that if the offence is defined so as to include all touchings to which the victim does not consent , it seems difficult to exclude everyday physical contact with others .
6 It seems that ‘ differentiation ’ is being redefined once again , so as to include democratic institutions and a market economy .
7 The reference to specific information only , can be best explained by the need to ensure that the definition of inside information is not so wide as to include legitimate research undertaken by investment analysts .
8 The argument over housing in Derry soon came to be focused on am important issue of corporation policy — the question of extending the city boundary so as to include more land for housing and industrial development .
9 The Articles also permitted the Board to delegate any of the powers vested in it to a committee and defined ‘ the Board ’ so as to include any committee authorised by the Board to act on its behalf .
10 ( v ) Most libels of any gravity directed at the conduct of a local authority would sufficiently identify the councillors or officers concerned in or responsible for that conduct so as to enable individual councillors or officers to sue for libel just as , in this case , Mr. Bookbinder has brought proceedings in respect of the libels complained of by the council .
11 Can I encourage the Minister to do the double by restoring the funding so as to enable much-needed house building and repairs to go ahead , and at the same time give the necessary financial boost to the devastated building and construction industry ?
12 To satisfy the US Senate article 5 was so phrased as to enable each state to respond to aggression only with " such action as it deems necessary , including the use of armed force " .
13 One way in which the terms of competition in the single market may be affected is by granting state subsidies which favour certain undertakings or the production of certain goods in such a way as to affect inter-state trade .
14 Certain types of agreement will seldom if ever qualify for exemption , for example those which restrict competition so as to affect inter-state trade and contain export bans , maintain retail prices or lead to absolute territorial protection of national markets .
15 All the trees , so large now as to enclose this garden , excluding the sight of other houses , so that but for the complex of railway lines it might have been in the country , were in late summer leaf .
16 Deprived of prey , the tiger naturally encroached on farm land to feed on the deer attracted by the crops as well as to kill domestic stock .
17 For many , ‘ law ’ and ‘ order ’ refer to the ideal of legality ( or ‘ the rule of law ’ ) — and while it is clear that this does not refer to an uncontroversial notion , it is arguable that most people would agree on certain core features of the rule of law : a congruence of official action with a previously declared rule so as to preserve individual autonomy and freedom from arbitrary state power , and a notion of equal treatment of individuals in the eye of the law .
18 There seems to be no escape from the fact that work substitutes will be needed to preserve society as we know it , carried out in such a way as to preserve particular countries ' economic viability .
19 In typical elitist manner Schumpeter describes these notions as both unrealistic and dangerous ; but a major difference from classical elite theorists is that Schumpeter wants to redefine democracy so as to preserve some recognition of the fact of popular participation and to take account of the inevitably limited nature of this participation .
20 However , if collocations like ’ weak tea ’ and ’ powerful car ’ are so numerous as to evade any method of acquisition other than years of learning , how then should a machine-readable collocation dictionary be compiled ?
21 EPCC is an interdisciplinary centre , with people from backgrounds such as computer science , physics and engineering coming together to aid in the dissemination of this new technology , as well as to perform fundamental research into the correct way to build and use parallel computers .
22 I recognise that it may also be tinged with a note of bias , for I passionately believe with the project organisers that school and community are parallel and co-operative agencies in the education of young children , and that to establish understanding , as well as to promote real creativity , children should begin reading and learning in the language they speak at home .
23 Encourage and facilitate the interchange of environmental technology throughout ICI and its subsidiary and related companies , so as to promote best practice and sustain continuous improvement in environmental performance .
24 The mitigation of the law was at first carried so far as to sacrifice that object , said J.S. Mill .
25 They could not rely on support from all of their members and the TUC nor could they call out the membership so as to hit other newspapers and so bring indirect pressure to bear on Shah .
26 The British leaned towards a middle line whereby Japan would be tied to the West but not in such a way as to stimulate aggressive tendencies .
27 The second is to give the whole section an extended meaning , so as to embrace all persons , born or unknown , who in any way may benefit [ author 's emphasis ] from assets transferred abroad by others …
28 The JCS were already on record that the US should assume ‘ positive and proper leadership ’ among the Western powers in Southeast Asia in order , as they put it , with no excessive modesty , ‘ to retrieve the losses resulting from previous mistakes on the part of the British and the French , as well as to preclude such mistakes in the future . ’
29 The first issue before us , as it was before Thorpe J. , was whether Parliament had , by section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , conferred on a minor over the age of 16 years an absolute right to refuse medical treatment , in which case the limitation of the court 's inherent jurisdiction exemplified by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 would have operated so as to preclude any intervention by the court .
30 And although she does consult with colleagues , advisory committees and city councillors , according to her critics , Dr Fohrbeck fails to present her projects in such a way as to find much-needed allies on the city council .
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