Example sentences of "as [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Hainer Bastian see this exhibition as completing the vision of Picasso presented at the last great retrospective in New York twelve years ago , when the focus was on his Cubist , surrealist and classical phases .
2 Rather it is that Labour needs to defend — and , on these figures , regain — its traditional class base at the same time as completing the process of modernisation and colonising the new political territory of the 1990s .
3 Instead we can see it as completing the specification of which operation is to be performed .
4 Creating a technical structure that allows for a pan-authority electronic mail service is usually as problematic as building the trust and confidence that will allow staff to communicate and make decisions using such a system — let alone remember to log in each day .
5 Also , the associations that will be discussed , and the interpretations of them in postclassical terms that will be offered , should not be seen as suggesting the operation of ‘ causes ’ or ‘ determinants ’ , even where such language has been used by those involved in establishing the associations .
6 In my judgment , however , this is not of any importance as touching the liability of the defendant under his covenants .
7 That had been as grievous a thing as seeing the head triumph ; that had caused the centuries of religious persecutions and wars .
8 As well as seeing the remainder of the ex-Cabinet , we interviewed the Chief Whip and Oliver Poole , the Chairman of the Party .
9 As well as prophesying the triumph of ‘ the Saints ’ and the destruction of their enemies , Anna also declared God 's displeasure at Oliver Cromwell 's being made lord protector on 16 December 1653 .
10 What the preliminary or collateral fact doctrine seeks to do is to distinguish those elements within the bracket which can be regarded as conditioning the power of the tribunal to go on and consider the merits from the merits themselves .
11 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
12 But commercial printing and typesetting , which , admittedly , comprise only about 2 per cent of turnover , were described as reflecting the weakness of the UK 's printing industry and the overcapacity which continued relentlessly to drive down prices , often below break-even point .
13 The frequent use of metaphor by authors describing the use of citation counts as a basis for value judgements is seen as reflecting the resistance of the citation process to standardisation .
14 Similarly , the use of the demonstrative of proximity " this ' can be seen as reflecting the speaker 's perception at the time of the narrated event , in which case the spatial deictic centre is temporarily shifted from the location of the I as speaker to that of the I as character in the story .
15 An alternative view sees the shape of poverty as reflecting the shape and condition of the wider society and requires more wide-ranging policy responses , especially those founded on universalist principles .
16 In some cases this instinct might be explained as reflecting the unworkability or inefficiency of a particular checkerboard solution .
17 She should now aim to be 1 lb ( 0.5 kg ) below her starting weight on most days ; she should reduce sugar on cereal to just one teaspoon ; she should use less meat when making up meat meals like stews , using more vegetables instead ( this is as well , of course , as maintaining the goal for fat reduction from Week 1 ) ; she should have salted meat or salted fish only three times a week in total ( you will remember that salt goals last for two weeks each ) ; she should have one or two pieces of fresh fruit each day ( this is as well as the goal for Week 1 , having pulses with one meal each day ) ; she should have a brisk twenty-minute walk each day .
18 This continuous flow of information may be seen as maintaining the equilibrium in a situation which entails considerable risks , particularly for the teacher .
19 As well as accepting the role of motherhood , a woman who has a child is also faced with the need to accept facts about time , and ageing .
20 If the seller does not fulfil this task , the buyer 's right to cancel is extended indefinitely or until he takes action that can be construed as accepting the agreement .
21 Some see such intervention as heralding the end of elected local government but , as Goldsmith ( 1986 , p. xiv ) observes : ‘ Britain has not become a totally centralized state , nor is central government 's control over local authorities ’ activities yet total …
22 This clutch of appointments , together with her post-Falklands dominance in the Cabinet , was widely seen as heralding the introduction of a Prime Minister 's Department .
23 As well as using the equivalent of ‘ which ’ to establish linkage , as in ‘ receiving the request which one of the parties presented to it ’ , the following verb is further suffixed for pronominal reference ( literally : ‘ which one of the parties presented-it-masculine to it-feminine ’ ) .
24 As well as using the presence of an aberrant p53 gene as a marker for rigorous treatment , doctors think it will be possible to develop drugs to block its activity .
25 As well as using the grant to provide a new cafe and shop , the association is also planning to stage a new exhibition at Thiepval using the latest state-of-the-art audio-visual technology to tell the Ulstermen 's story .
26 This is by no means as quick and easy as using the colour changer , but at least the designs are a possibility .
27 The diagnostic expert system was seen as using the SEMA faults data-base as a source for its knowledge base .
28 In addition to backup , you can also use d'Compress to scan for viruses on your machine , as well as using the program to view graphics files .
29 Second mortgage Usually not so much a loan in itself as using the value of a home ( over and above the value of any company loan ) , usually large and now mainly for home improvements , for up to , say , seven years ; with fixed monthly repayments .
30 The introduction of newly-developed linings that can be pushed down into crumbling sewers to extend their life is widely touted as bringing the cost of renovating the nation 's sewers down somewhere nearer to what impoverished water authorities can afford .
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