Example sentences of "as [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On January 10th this year , I went as usual to turn on the aquarium lights when I noticed a female Shanny — now a light beige colour with a very bright green patch on the top of her head — inside the male 's cave , laying eggs on the underside of a flat rock , next to the existing eggs .
2 I left him as usual to work in peace all day , certain that his reproachful silence which accompanied our mealtimes would lift at night .
3 Social workers are increasingly placing children in foster care , which is seen as preferable to care in residential homes , whose image has been marred by scandals .
4 The committee recommends that the boards of all listed companies should comply with the code and encourages as many other companies as possible to aim at meeting its requirements .
5 Now this use of a formula , making the , the formula as pliable as possible to take in all these different themes , seems to me very interesting , because it seems to me a point at which popular literature , erm or the so-called easy dividing line between popular literature and high art , becomes very difficult to judge , very fuzzy .
6 She wished so far as possible to respect in her dominions the rights of the provincial estates , the greatest bastions of resistance to change .
7 The male red-winged blackbird attempts to attract as many females like this one , as possible to nest in his territory and , although the female would prefer his sole attention , she will share him with several other females if the territory is good enough .
8 The administration of these services is decentralised as far as possible to conform with these areas in more accessible mini-town halls .
9 The aim was to reach students in the Fourth to Sixth Form age group by setting up workshops and visits to the Hayward Gallery , persuading professional photographers to go to as many schools as possible to talk about their own work and the Magnum show , and encouraging ‘ young hopefuls ’ to shoot and print some of their own work .
10 We need to encourage as many schools as possible to shift from the third to the second , and from the second to the first category .
11 I expect he hoped to have as little as possible to do with her , but when she made a dead set at him , as she did at all young married men , that was no longer possible .
12 Like their ancestors , the Mennonites still shunned buttons and pockets , relying on hooks and eyes ; they refused cars and engines , preferring horsepower ; the Mennonites nevertheless reclaimed land from the river and sea , regulated the flood planes and wanted as little as possible to do with the evils of the outside world .
13 But Diana has refused a personal invitation from the Queen to the church service and Christmas lunch — a clear signal that she wants as little as possible to do with the rest of the royals .
14 Planning for the future care of your children can be particularly stressful if you are someone who wants to have as little as possible to do with social services and other authorities , or if you have had a bad experience with them in the past .
15 Seaman comments that that presentation Another and concordant view is recorded by Lichtheim : Lichtheim goes on to quote Pease , then Secretary of the Fabian Society , as saying : ‘ We were thus in a position to welcome the formation of working class Socialist societies , but it is certain that they would never have welcomed us ’ ; and to add , perhaps unkindly : ‘ Beatrice Potter — a rich , spoiled , arrogant young woman with more beauty than brains — was determined to have as little as possible to do with the working class . ’
16 Write the letters of CHRISTMAS down on a sheet of paper , then try to think of as many things as possible to do with the Christmas season which begin with each of the letters .
17 Industrialists never liked financiers much , and established industrialists tried to have as little as possible to do with bankers .
18 That is why , in the defence estimates debate on 14 October 1991 , my hon. Friend the Member for Clackmannan ( Mr. O'Neill ) said : ’ We should be careful to preserve the opportunity for as many of our civilians as possible to serve in the volunteer forces . ’
19 In both primary and secondary schools there is a need for as highly qualified teachers as possible to act as coordinators , helping and encouraging those whose main expertise lies elsewhere .
20 We are planning to feature the spread of Medau throughout the country in the Souvenir Programme for our 40th Anniversary Celebrations , and need as much historical background as possible to link into current activities .
21 She herself was British , in fact , but having spent several years as a graduate student in California , where she had been converted to radical feminism , she now thought of herself as spiritually an American , and tried as far as possible to speak like one .
22 5.4.1 To repair the Premises and keep them in repair excepting damage caused by structural or inherent defects or by an Insured Risk other than where the insurance money is irrecoverable in consequence of any act or default of the Tenant or anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority ( but only while under the Tenant 's control and in the course of employment ) Provided that where the insurance money is not wholly irrecoverable such sums as are recoverable shall be made available as soon as possible to apply to the repair of the Premises
23 For example , poor-country governments may have an incentive to report GDP as low as possible to qualify for soft loans from international financial institutions , or to get favourable trade treatment .
24 Vines can be lifted high off the ground to avoid frost ; dropped as low as possible to benefit from heat reflected by stony ground at night ; generously spaced along the rows to attract the sun and avoid humidity ; or intensively cultivated into a canopy of foliage to avoid too much sun and encourage humidity in dry areas .
25 As you do so , try as far as possible to keep to the basic sense of the passage .
26 The tunnel is designed as far as possible to stay within the chalk marl but the alignment is constrained by the geometric requirements of a high speed railway including a minimum horizontal curvature of 4,200m and a maximum gradient of just under 1% .
27 This idea of a compact should be extended to ET graduates , the aim being to encourage as many employers as possible to recruit from among ET leavers with the appropriate qualifications .
28 We would like to ask everyone in the Secondary Schools of Edinburgh to join in by encouraging as many students and teachers as possible to travel to school by bicycle that day .
29 Although the newspaper will not be available until May , please could members apply as soon as possible to help with gauging print quantities .
30 In Scotland during the past year we have witnessed the distasteful spectacle of Dounreay scouring the planet and touting for business as the nuclear prostitute of the world , seeking to sign as many contracts as possible to dispose of other countries ' spent nuclear fuel while the clock ticks away towards the 1994 deadline set by the Government when funding for the 250 MW prototype fast reactor will cease .
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