Example sentences of "as [art] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 What larks and japes persuaded this audience to collapse in convulsions is a mystery as dark as the Druids ' Runes .
2 They asked not only about feeding , weaning and toileting practices , but also about such matters as the mothers ' ways of handling dependent and aggressive behaviour , their methods of disciplining , their feelings towards pregnancy , overt expression of affection , and adjustment in marriage .
3 Although their cars were not as good as the Germans ' he drove brilliantly and beat the Mercedes and Auto Unions at the Nurburgring in 1935 to win the German Grand Prix .
4 This may be necessary for reasons of motivation , innate intelligence , interests , time for study , time of arrival into class as well as the students ' linguistic abilities .
5 ‘ Whatever the contribution of aggressive toys to children 's anti-social behaviour may be , ’ concludes Professor Goldstein , ‘ it is fairly minor compared to such factors as the parents ' use of aggression and their tolerance of their child 's aggression . ’
6 The cold wind of competition is blowing down the Bahnhofstrasse , Zurich 's bank-strewn high street , just as the bankers ' other problems were growing anyway .
7 The whole operation was for Reagan 's sake , as well as the hostages ' ; it was a present for him , preferably one to be delivered by Christmas , or by the State of the Union address in January , or by the elections in November .
8 ‘ I do n't know if I 'll be able to swing it in India , it depends on the pitches and conditions , but as the Indians ' attack looks to be mainly swing and seam , it could happen .
9 By this time Gordon Sloan , a Reporter from Strathclyde Region , had been brought in to do the work in Orkney , as the islands ' own Reporter , Mrs Katherine Kemp , was still under suspension , and the details of her case were lying on the Secretary of State 's desk in Edinburgh .
10 As much as the militants ' venom , I recall the desperation of pickets who said they ‘ just want to get it over with ’ and strikers ' wives wondering where the next meal was coming from .
11 If the nurses accepted it , their pay would be determined in the same way as the doctors ' , by an independent review body .
12 He had won it convincingly , as the judges ' 60–56 , 60–56 , 60–57 scores proved , but such is the tension of the schools finals second only in most young boxers ' eyes to the senior ABA finals that he felt he needed a bit more help .
13 The two main resolutions on the " United Front " and Communist affiliation did , in any case , receive half a million votes each and were backed by such important bodies as the Miners ' Federation and the Amalgamated Engineering Union .
14 These are Genet 's reconstructions , and perhaps the gulf , the void , are his as well as the soldiers ' .
15 The payment will be available to teaching staff until such time as the Teachers ' Superannuation ( Scotland ) Regulations are amended to provide for an injury allowance .
16 So far as the ferrets ' accommodation is concerned , I prefer a roomy hutch with separate sleeping quarters .
17 In an earlier meeting with political leaders ( including opposition figures ) , Rodríguez had requested support for land reform which he described as the country 's most pressing problem , but he insisted on respect for private property rights , as well as the squatters ' vacation of the occupied land , before such reforms could be implemented .
18 The plot of Raving Beauties is almost as scant as the girls ' costumes .
19 Business before pleasure , as the westerners ' saying ran .
20 In the event , they found the crossing reasonably easy , the water never reaching as high as the beasts ' bellies .
21 Their gardens , too , were twice as big as the labourers ' .
22 Presumptious as this was , the feeling was abroad that government policy , as well as the employers ' stand , had been defeated :
23 Experience quickly showed that advice had to be given with care , as the travellers ' way of life is unique .
24 At first it was felt that the variety of reference systems in use had developed because of inept control mechanisms and general lack of discipline in applying procedures , but as the analysts ' knowledge increased , it became apparent that the references had evolved to suit the needs of users , needs which were considerably different throughout the departments .
25 Note that in this case if the Bank of England uses open-market operations to reduce the money supply , the official intention may be frustrated as long as the banks ' cash reserves ratio remains above the desired level .
26 That the standard of the Fiji tournament — which according to such a seasoned sevens campaigner as the Scots ' assistant coach , John Jeffrey , reached unprecedented highs — was beyond question .
27 His party , though divided over Macedonia and the economy , is entitled to claim that its record includes nothing as bad as the Socialists ' foolish first few years in power in the 1980s .
28 The more the styles changed , as the Consumers ' Union director , Dexter Masters , pointed out , the greater the disguised price increase to the consumer in shorter-lived products and heavier repair bills .
29 So long as the animals ' behaviour is meticulously noted , she argues , empathy and intuition can be invaluable in interpreting it .
30 Jordanian potash extraction will be affected in the same way as the Israelis ' .
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