Example sentences of "as [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gone was the pride he felt as through the night
2 Crop growth will be affected by changes in the length of the growing season , water availability , soil erosion and the frequency of extreme events ( floods , droughts , frosts , heatwaves , forest fires ) as well as through the loss of fertile agricultural land along coasts due to the rise in sea level associated with global warming .
3 He had expected to have to batter his way laboriously through the months that had separated them , as through the stockade of a castle into which he must break by force of arms .
4 What has bitten ‘ us ’ , the transpersonal Gadarene motif of The Possessed , manifests itself through the dotty plan for a dinner just as eloquently as through the murder in the park .
5 The appointee would not usurp the roles of the Institute president and secretary , it says , ‘ but should provide the opportunity for a higher public profile , the opportunity to become recognised as as the spokesman for the Institute , and the driving force in achieving the Institute 's longer term goals . ’
6 She had never before known how to be still and wait ; there had never been anything as worth the waiting for as this was .
7 But it would be necessary to ensure that the learning which resulted in respect of such content was accepted by students as worth the processing effort .
8 The same type of relation holds however between the having present and the realization of the purpose for which the examiners were present in ( 7a ) as between the existence of obligation and the realization of the object of obligation in ( 1a ) .
9 ( d ) Post-dissolution profits Section 42 of the Partnership Act is concerned with the rights of outgoing partners in certain cases to share profits made after dissolution : ( 1 ) Where any member of a firm has died or otherwise ceased to be a partner , and the surviving or continuing partners carry on the business of the firm with its capital or assets without any final settlement of accounts as between the firm and the outgoing partner or his estate , then , in the absence of any agreement to the contrary , the outgoing partner or his estate is entitled at the option of himself or his representatives to such share of the profits made since the dissolution as the Court may find to be attributable to the use of his share of the partnership assets , or to interest at the rate of five per cent per annum on the amount of his share of the partnership assets .
10 Multilateral rules are usually enforceable as between the exchange and each member , rather than generally across the whole membership .
11 However , in some circumstances , such as the old unincorporated association , a contract may indeed exist between one member and another , as well as between the exchange and each member .
12 In traditional medicine , health is seen as essentially a matter of maintaining a balance within an individual as well as between the individual , the community and the environment .
13 In exercising their discretion whether to permit such representation , tribunals should take the following facts into account : the seriousness of the charge or penalty ; whether any points of law are likely to arise ; the capacity of a person to present his own case ; procedural difficulties ; the need for speed in reaching a decision ; and the need for fairness as between the individual and the officers concerned .
14 SDLP lost a seat here as in Armagh which together accounts for the reduction in their representation by two seats as between the Assembly and the Convention .
15 All these aspects can be heard in Joe Turner 's rock 'n' roll classic , ‘ Shake , Rattle and Roll ’ ( Ex. 2.2 ) , where again , predictability is high , both within the specific song and as between the song and the general characteristics of the genre .
16 However , such a transaction is valid as between the company and the other party to it , and the court may on the application of the company or the other party to the transaction , affirm , sever , or set aside the transaction on such terms as the court sees fit ( s. 322A(7)CA ) .
17 The lease was only determined as between the company and the landlord .
18 A similar problem arose in relation to priority as between the lessor of equipment that becomes a fixture to land and the owner or encumbrancer of the land .
19 There are observations of the House of Lords in Hunter v. Hunter to the effect that accordingly the transfer is wholly void even as between the transferor and transferee .
20 The risk undertaken is generally known to the surety , and the circumstances generally point to the view that as between the creditor and surety it was contemplated and intended that the surety should take upon himself to ascertain exactly what risk he was taking upon himself .
21 The obligations to be dealt with are the same , but the approach is very different as between the buyer and the seller .
22 When I answer this in the affirmative , I am aware that a man 's marriage with the woman of his choice is in one sense a boon , and in that sense the reverse of a loss ; yet , as between the plaintiff and the party promising an income to support the marriage , it may be a loss .
23 He held that as between the defendant and the building society ‘ all the equities are on the building society 's side . ’
24 Conveyancing , like any other aspect of legal service provided on behalf of the public , requires a relationship of trust as between the conveyancer and the client .
25 I think it 's necessary to set the scene for that to say that in fact as between the County Council and Barton Willmore there 's very little difference in what we see are the requirements for the ring around the city , we both have a figure of of six thousand and something quite small .
26 In the second place , the position of strangers who deal through the husband with the wife in a transaction operating to the husband 's advantage may , by that fact alone , be affected by any equity which as between the husband and wife might arise from his conduct .
27 Indeed in Moralice ( London ) Ltd v ED and F Man [ 1954 ] 2 Lloyds Rep 526 , it was held that where the price is payable by means of a bankers ' commercial credit against the shipping documents , the maxim de minimis has no application as between the seller and the bank .
28 A properly drawn partnership agreement will contain a provision ( Clause 4.02 ) to ensure that , whilst the partnership determines as between the deceased and his co-partners , as between the latter themselves there will be no termination .
29 The problems and opportunities that new conventional weapons technology — ‘ emerging technology ’ — presents for an efficient allocation of effort as between the research and production capabilities , and the force contributions , of the NATO allies are likely to be considerable .
30 The way to deal with the international support system at the moment is to reduce it right across the board — for all support systems to be reduced at a speed which farmers can bear and which bears on different types of farmers equally , both within the Community and as between the Community and our competitors in the United States .
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