Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It will certainly seem so to the Englishman ( as I take him to be ) , who found in the ‘ Envoi ’ to Hugh Selwyn Mauberley — Pound 's most explicit farewell to England , as he prepared to leave her in 1918 — ‘ externality : an externality which , considering what Mauberley attempts , is utterly disabling ’ .
2 As I take them off I give them names , the names of people and the names of things .
3 I can get about a bit , I 'm not er hobbling as much , as l as long as I take my time I 'm not too bad .
4 As I take my seat , Lil rushes in , with an apologetic nod .
5 The subtitle contains , as I take it , a deliberate ambiguity , for most of the book is concerned with managing in the sense of coping , but in the last chapter Penzias dilates on how technologically based organisations should be run .
6 If that view is correct , as I take it to be , then the non-use of gas is one area in which the laws-of-war approach on the one hand , and the deterrence approach on the other , may have complemented each other .
7 I 'm not needed here until this Aldhelm has played his part and pointed the finger at your Tutilo , as I take it you 're certain he will before the night 's out .
8 As the PAL:YPE recalls , this impression was based on a combination of physical environment , staff vision , and an existing commitment to an infrastructure including a permanent part-time library assistant : School A I was impressed with , because they too had already started to talk about resource-based learning and they already had as far as I remember … ( now my memory is fairly vague now because it is quite a long time ago ) … but as far as I remember they had a Headmaster , who was extremely interested , very keen indeed , and they had a committee already set up , I think to look into this .
9 Yes th as I remember they did the other side of first .
10 And then and of course as far as I remember we , you could hear the noises of the engines of course , terrible , not , not like planes today .
11 But whatever happens , I will never feel indifferent or hate everybody here , because there were some acceptable , some good performances we did together , but I can already say there were some great performances — at least as I remember them — so it 's a part of my artistic life closely connected to my heart .
12 Not in any special order but just as I remember them .
13 I killed a rather good bottle of Fleurie , as I remember it .
14 As I remember it , on the occasion when she first accosted us , you told her that she would be better off at home with a baby on her knee . ’
15 As I remember it , I directed the jury that a finding of murder by person or persons unknown was indicated , and they so found .
16 As I remember it was one morning a little while after my father and Miss Kenton had joined the staff , I had been in my pantry , sitting at the table going through my paperwork , when I heard a knock on my door .
17 Several people turned up , apparently , but only one person agreed to come as I remember it : Alan Chapman , an unposh boy with a big blue scar down his nose .
18 You may think I am exaggerating but I am telling you the truth as clearly as I remember it and I remember it very clearly .
19 That 's not quite as I remember it , Melissa thought , but let the inaccuracy pass unchallenged .
20 Oh as I remember it installs a backward compatible mouse driver which will do
21 Er as I remember it it was pretty rudimentary and er you did n't keep a costume or a suit for the job .
22 Er girls were never included as horses as I remember it , but nowadays there are of course , which means that you have more boys available to be ploughmen and this perhaps helps the numbers .
23 And the end date is two thousand and six , as I remember it ?
24 erm erm concentration put on of where pumping into us , there came back a further report on how one would win that and as I remember it , the professional advise was we should have twenty but Charles and his I nearly said men but progress erm .
25 Er so erm as I remember it erm Drive was only half built
26 As I remember it conference tends to run through until new clients so .
27 Yes Chairman , we we did have this debate in er budget review as I remember it .
28 As for Claire , as I remember it , she 's a great believer in the theory that absence makes the heart grow fonder . ’
29 It is as I remember it yes .
30 As far as I remember he nodded in his own particularly grave yet twinkling way and that was that , I may have mentioned it again , in which case he said very little more than , ‘ We 've already discussed it . ’
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