Example sentences of "as [verb] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They could not rely on support from all of their members and the TUC nor could they call out the membership so as to hit other newspapers and so bring indirect pressure to bear on Shah .
2 Actually writing it down can really help to crystallise your thoughts — as well as helping other people ( like us , and estate agents ) to help you .
3 Furthermore , while these " blankouts " may distress other people , the primary sufferer may find them confusing but may go so far in denial as to accuse other people of having faulty memory for the things said or done while he or she was in a " blankout " .
4 Additional social workers were employed using the MISG in Barnet ‘ to assist the introduction of the care programme approach for people leaving hospital ’ as well as to provide other services .
5 RIGHT Wolves live in packs , and howling serves to keep pack members in touch with each other , as well as alerting other packs to their presence .
6 Heron — which builds houses , owns petrol stations and imports Suzuki vehicles as well as selling other cars including Rolls-Royce — made a small trading loss in the year to March , compared with a £60m profit in 1990–91 .
7 In February 1992 , however , Lautro 's Rules were amended so as to give other persons served with an intervention notice the right to appeal against it : see new rules 7.28 and 7.3(12) .
8 As regards other cancers in this age group , there is a small , non-significant excess during 1984–90 but no overall excess if the whole period 1963–90 is considered .
9 ‘ Now we 're looking to encourage our customers to send remittance advices electronically so we can post them straight into the sales ledger , and eventually we 'll ‘ close the loop ’ as regards other documents too .
10 As regards other islands , Okinawa , the south-west Pacific islands , the Bonin and certain other groups could be retained by the allied powers for strategic reasons if necessary but compensation would be expected eventually .
11 As regards other aspects of social policy , the government was under pressure to introduce measures to improve the physical condition of the working class .
12 A new and very junior partner may make little headway in challenging the terms of partnership offered him where similar terms are already in force as regards other partners in the firm .
13 During the pre-school period of childhood sexual curiosity often becomes marked , both in exploration of the child 's own body and as regards other children .
14 Emotional experience , on the other hand , he thought was the result of activating specific areas of the cerebral cortex in much the same way as activating other areas produced visual or auditory experience .
15 This is for your own safely as well as to protect other people 's property .
16 But alternative remedies also raise quite directly questions about the suitability of the judicial process as opposed other avenues open for the control of governmental action .
17 He was also upset by an article in the American magazine Sports Illustrated , in which he was quoted — legitimately , even if in infrequent unguarded moments — as criticising other players charmlessly .
18 The nation refers to itself not as " this sovereign land of ours " , as do other countries , but to " this , our land-and-water " — and considerable ritual effort is devoted to maintaining a balance between the two .
19 To suggest , as do other countries in the European Community , and the Commission itself , that there could be maximum daily doses of individual tablets prescribed , is not incompatible with saying that the products will continue to be freely available to all those who wish to use them .
20 The tawny owl and kestrel , on the other hand , differ greatly , as do other species of diurnal raptor , with low correlation coefficients between them and the owls .
21 If they wish to do so , companies should be able to have non-executive directors who do not have the same legal responsibility for its activities as do other directors .
22 We do not have to fear predators in the same way as do other animals , but because we are social beings and rely upon others for survival , learning and fulfilment in life , company is essential .
23 She therefore had to go into Intensive Care , as do other babies who may have had birth complications or other problems .
24 The third party then exercised those rights , as did other minority shareholders owning 40% of the remaining 45% of the company 's share capital ; therefore 95% of the rights issue was taken up .
25 While the latter left no verse epistles , Sidonius did , as did other writers whose works are preserved in the Epistulae Austrasiacae .
26 What Dilys Powell missed when she described The Wicked Lady as a concatenation of ‘ the hoary , the tedious , the disagreeable , ’ as did other critics who saw Gainsborough 's films as a reassertion of an old escapist tendency in British cinema , was how much of an advance such films offered on everything of a similar sort that had gone before , and how they touched the sentiments of audiences who could no longer respond to stories of gallant endeavour quite as they could when it seemed that defeat was an imminent possibility .
27 He later attempted such elucidation , as did other philosophers , notably his one-time pupil Edmund Husserl .
28 Marko served with the sultan 's army , as did other Serbs who accepted the status of tributary princes , including Prince Lazar 's son , Stephen Lazarević .
29 Many Christians continued to take part in traditional Roman festivities ; they sometimes shocked their bishops by dancing in church , getting drunk at celebrations in the cemeteries , consulting magicians , or resorting to charms to cure their troubles , just as did other people .
30 Hogg , the 23-year-old Melrose forward , settled in at blind-side beside Rob Wainwright and Smith as well as playing other matches at open-side and no.8 .
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