Example sentences of "as [verb] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Writing out 1500 index cards is just as time consuming as producing 1500 letters .
2 Tait , with William Thomson , had published a Treatise on Natural Philosophy in 1867 which became a standard advanced textbook because it treated physics from the point of view of conservation of energy — fathering the doctrine , as became two Cambridge men , upon Newton : the ‘ return to Newton ’ was for them the key to modernity .
3 A clause would not normally be construed as allowing one party to render no performance at all , as such a clause would undermine the main purpose of the contract .
4 Already in 1928 he was protesting that his own pronouncements at the time of the Imagist manifesto were tailored to the specific needs of 1914 , and should not be taken as binding fourteen years later .
5 Atomism made sense of the language of chemistry in that , if each symbol is understood as representing one atom , one can ask questions about how they are arranged ; if the symbols merely represent numbers , equivalent weights , then everything is much more abstract .
6 BIE was described as employing 600 agents in tapping the telephones of politicians , the clergy , business people , trade unionists and other " relevant " personalities .
7 And that was Mrs Sheldon 's side of the story as related forty-one years later after the death of her husband .
8 A third kind of analysis conceives some sections of the middle class ( technicians , managers , engineers , professional employees in the public service and in private industry ) either as constituting an important part of a ‘ new working class ’ which is likely to participate in its own way in a refashioned socialist movement ( Mallet , 1975 ) , or as forming one element — alongside the old industrial working class — in a new class , which is becoming involved in a new type of struggle , directed against those who control the institutions of economic and political decision making , and who reduce it to a condition , not of misery or oppression , but of restricted and dependent participation in the major public affairs of society ( Touraine , 1971a ) .
9 Left sided lesions may impair the former , leaving intact such well practised actions as writing one s name and address ( Luria , Simernitskaya and Tybulevich , 1970 ; Simernitskaya , 1974 ) .
10 As well as writing two novels , he wrote several books about church architecture and liturgy , the best known being The English Cathedral of the Nineteenth Century , and numerous pamphlets , essays and letters to the press .
11 Similar problems may also be experienced when an accounting reference period is changed , since s 225(6) of the CA1985 provides that : ‘ An accounting reference period may not in any case ( exception if administration order is in force ) be extended so as to exceed 18 months and a notice under this section is ineffective if the current or previous accounting reference period as extended in accordance with the notice would exceed that limit . ’
12 Any such notice must state whether the current ( or preceding , when allowed ) reference period is to be shortened , so that it will end on the first occurrence of the accounting reference date , or lengthened , so that it will end on its second occurrence , but unless an administration order is in force the period can not be extended so as to exceed 18 months .
13 This involved defining a ‘ pack year ’ as smoking one pack per day for one year , half a pack per day for two years , etc .
14 UK , Cambridge-based Tadpole Technology plc is touting its Sparcbook notebook as fetching 12.6 SPECmarks , 12.7 SPECint and 12.5 SPECfp , slightly faster than the IPC workstation from Sun Microsystems Inc , claiming it performs integer intensive applications equally as well as it does floating point applications : the Sparcbook is now on the GSA schedule being peddled to the US government by C3/Telos — Genstar Rentals in Palo Alto , California is renting it out .
15 The discharge of crude into the Gulf once again created a huge floating oil slick reported by Platt 's as measuring 35 miles long by 10 miles wide ( 56 x 16 km ) , which endangered the seawater intake points of nearby desalination plants and also much of the resident bird population , drawing charges of ‘ environmental terrorism , .
16 The hole distances are then given but bear no resemblance to the course as opened 18 months later .
17 The pupils falling into the category of persistent truants were described by experienced staff in the case-study schools as exhibiting one symptom of deep-rooted social , emotional or economic problems .
18 Whilst the 60MHz iteration ca n't be clocked any faster , the 66MHz mask is designed to go to 100MHz and it is this part , touted as providing two-to-three times the performance of the 80486 , which Intel will use as a springboard for the launch of other Pentium family members — see back page .
19 Finally , when you are hanging the mirror , do remember to use some extra-sturdy hooks and nylon picture cord , as it will be heavier than a normal mirror , and you do n't want to ruin your carefully constructed design , as well as incur seven years ' bad luck , by watching the whole thing smash on to the floor !
20 As well as speaking three languages , Danielle could listen to a tune , then sit at the piano and play it note perfect .
21 The assay was standardised against a pool of normal adult human serum defined as containing 1.0 U IGF-I/ml ( equivalent to 159 ng/ml of a highly purified preparation of IGF-I ) .
22 I am aware of one educated patient , with known duodenal ulcer , who had started taking this medicine for headache , believing it to be Ayurvedic and despite the facts that it is labelled as containing 530 mg aspirin and 100 mg paracetamol and that he had been instructed by his doctor to refrain from all pain-relieving medications like aspirin .
23 Never mind the fact they were as comfortable as wearing two fibre-glass tubes filled with iron filings , and stank like an incontinent old sheep dog when wet , they were natural wool and so considered correct .
24 He played an important role in the first three tries as well as kicking four goals , one from the touchline .
25 Just as regards two children , that was all agreed by the parties .
26 The West German newspaper Bild Zeitung cited East Berlin sources as saying 3,000 people had been imprisoned for attempted ‘ flight from the Republic ’ .
27 If you have nine eight it 's the same thing as saying three beats in a bar .
28 Looking back on it today , however , I perceive how dated it is ; but , in the 1930s it might just have excited interest , simply as illustrating one direction in which a Marxian might , in his disillusionment , turn .
29 Crawshay 's have a flier on the wing in the shape of former cap , Glen Webbe , as well as fielding three B caps .
30 ‘ It was not the same as doing 100 mph on the motorway .
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