Example sentences of "as [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Misunderstandings have sometimes arisen from an unwarrantable belief that title deeds are sacrosanct documents , whereas the truth is that neither a conveyance nor a land certificate retains its value if the landowner is so indifferent as to lose physical control of his land .
2 Written with small firms in mind , MAAP will produce audit planning and control documentation to satisfy the audit regulations , as well as generating high quality financial statements , all from one source of data .
3 The reference to specific information only , can be best explained by the need to ensure that the definition of inside information is not so wide as to include legitimate research undertaken by investment analysts .
4 Can I encourage the Minister to do the double by restoring the funding so as to enable much-needed house building and repairs to go ahead , and at the same time give the necessary financial boost to the devastated building and construction industry ?
5 These are the people who are often quoted as enjoying good health to a ripe old age despite smoking , drinking and never taking any exercise .
6 One way in which the terms of competition in the single market may be affected is by granting state subsidies which favour certain undertakings or the production of certain goods in such a way as to affect inter-state trade .
7 Certain types of agreement will seldom if ever qualify for exemption , for example those which restrict competition so as to affect inter-state trade and contain export bans , maintain retail prices or lead to absolute territorial protection of national markets .
8 Deprived of prey , the tiger naturally encroached on farm land to feed on the deer attracted by the crops as well as to kill domestic stock .
9 This two-track approach was seen by the press in member countries as reflecting continued manoeuvring over the role of the United States in the alliance , against a background of US troop reductions in Europe and Franco-German proposals for a European military force .
10 The strength of the protest vote against the mainstream parties was seen as reflecting popular disillusionment with their unsuccessful attempts to resolve the country 's long-running linguistic problems and to complete constitutional reforms [ see p. 38465 ] .
11 Although there are some formidable technological hurdles to overcome , the concept is already being put into practice in several projects , most prominently from where Mace stands , in the IBM Corp/Apple Computer Inc/Motorola Inc effort to bring some of the functionality found in Motorola 's 680x0 and 88000 processor families onto the PowerPC RISC architecture the three are developing , as well as maintaining binary compatibility with IBM 's RS/6000 Power RISC .
12 For many , ‘ law ’ and ‘ order ’ refer to the ideal of legality ( or ‘ the rule of law ’ ) — and while it is clear that this does not refer to an uncontroversial notion , it is arguable that most people would agree on certain core features of the rule of law : a congruence of official action with a previously declared rule so as to preserve individual autonomy and freedom from arbitrary state power , and a notion of equal treatment of individuals in the eye of the law .
13 This was inevitably rejected by the Catholic SDLP as perpetuating Protestant rule in Ulster , while the Paisleyite Unionists condemned any form of power-sharing with the ‘ Papists ’ .
14 There is little doubt that Hamer have achieved what they set out to do as far as producing great vintage guitar tones from contemporary instruments .
15 When the system is fully operational , such activities as accepting keyboarded input , outputting to proofing devices and to external systems ( e.g. Oxford Text System ) , text searching , integration , and any other processes on the system data will proceed in parallel , although different sections of the text will be subject to each process .
16 But practice can mean going through the motions just as much as accumulating factual knowledge .
17 The Body Shop as a group joined Friends of the Earth and pursued such policies as using recycled paper for packaging .
18 Broadly the period 1951–87 can be divided into four parts : 1951–64 , a period of comparatively little social policy innovation which may be regarded as a time of consolidation or stagnation , according to one 's political viewpoint ; 1964–74 , a period of fairly intense policy change stimulated by both political parties , in which considerable difficulties were experienced in translating aspirations into practice ; 1974–78 , a period in which rapid inflation and government by the Labour party without a parliamentary majority administered a severe shock to the political and social system , and to all who believed that there was still a need for developments in social policy ; and 1979–87 , when much more explicitly anti-welfare state Conservative administrations reinforced that shock by deliberately treating inflation as more deserving of its attention than unemployment , attacking public services which were seen as inhibiting economic recovery and seeking ways to ‘ privatize ’ public services .
19 EPCC is an interdisciplinary centre , with people from backgrounds such as computer science , physics and engineering coming together to aid in the dissemination of this new technology , as well as to perform fundamental research into the correct way to build and use parallel computers .
20 It has been argued persuasively that passages from the Bible which had been taken as prohibiting gay sex were either mistranslated or taken out of context ; that , in any case , the Bible could not be read as a set of rules to be unthinkingly obeyed ; that love and justice in sexual relationships mattered more than gender ; and that homophobia itself was sinful .
21 Seven opposition parties on Nov. 12 rejected the election dates announced by the government two days earlier ( two rounds of voting on Jan. 24 and Feb. 27 , 1992 ) as allowing insufficient time for election campaigns .
22 It regarded it as undermining the peace process , as making assumptions about the possibility of breach by Egypt , and as allowing unilateral arbitration of breach by the United States .
23 I recognise that it may also be tinged with a note of bias , for I passionately believe with the project organisers that school and community are parallel and co-operative agencies in the education of young children , and that to establish understanding , as well as to promote real creativity , children should begin reading and learning in the language they speak at home .
24 The company says that it sees the new polymers eventually being used to replace main random access memory as well as rotating secondary store .
25 As well as handling basic text it can incorporate graphics both from other packages and from scanners .
26 In recent years he had made a point of appeasing the fundamentalists at the same time as co-opting left-wing opposition .
27 The result is a lyrical prose particularly effective when it serves to embody a singing climax at strategic points — a not unsurprising tactical manoeuvre on the part of a writer trying to intimate the reality of a mystical experience which he expresses as transposing everyday speech to song .
28 Consider the following final sentences : ( a ) It is tempting to see the Boer War not as ending British Imperialism but as turning its energy inwards .
29 Procedural rights are also seem as protecting human dignity by ensuring that the individual is told why he is being treated unfavourably , and by enabling him to take part in that decision .
30 As we have seen , in the Third Reich it was the specific circumstances of the rise of monopoly capital , the corporatist state organised as protecting national purity , hyperinflation , the rapid rise in unemployment and perceived threats to the ‘ little man ’ .
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