Example sentences of "for him [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All they wanted was for him to sit still as a stone — to be a piece of scenery , a decoration like one of the stone angels he had watched the Mason carve , up in the roofs of churches .
2 In the backs , Kenny Logan has had a somewhat disappointing season after being capped in Australia last summer , but the stage is set for him to recover lost ground , as it is for his Stirling County colleague , Ian Jardine .
3 In the backs , Kenny Logan has had a somewhat disappointing season after being capped in Australia last summer , but the stage is set for him to recover lost ground , as it is for his Stirling County colleague , Ian Jardine .
4 To one who had waited so long , this letter would scarcely have indicated that the time had come for him to take vigorous action on his own .
5 But for him to go self-employed will cost him more money than doing it on the bl black market .
6 It was not enough for him to call individual sinners to God .
7 Even he had definite symptomatic and endoscopic benefit from additional radiotherapy and his general conditioned improved enough for him to undergo successful surgery .
8 Lee was on a downslope , and it seemed absolutely impossible for him to finish close .
9 That lack of leadership makes it difficult for him to do other than cavil at our figures .
10 There 's another reason for him to seem dated .
11 The solicitors had a conflict of interests , and should have arranged for him to receive independent legal advice .
12 It 's perfectly possible , if somewhat unwise , for him to charge clean across the battlefield and engage the enemy on turn one .
13 Corbett indicated with his hand for him to stand still and be silent .
14 Perhaps she was still too much like Miss Harker and her kind for him to feel comfortable .
15 D'Arcy was throwing down a direct challenge for him to come clean , and he knew it .
16 It was n't easy for him to make new friends , particularly outside of whatever cast list he was currently a part , but occasionally it happened — as during the run of One Over The Eight .
17 All I did n't want to happen was for him to become violent , which I did n't think was ever on the cards .
18 Annie could n't be bothered to spell out his response for him to become aware of .
19 The Minister of State is not yet the Foreign Secretary and there is little time left for him to become Foreign Secretary .
20 He saw himself as the political leader of the Evangelicals , but in reality his views were too extreme and his style too combative for him to command general support .
21 Crookes ' lectures were illustrated by brilliant and striking experiments , especially with the cathode rays , which he believed to be a stream of particles ; but his physics and mathematics were not sufficient for him to produce quantitative work in this field .
22 The judge was therefore at fault in considering that there was no need for him to pay explicit regard to the public interest in freedom of expression guaranteed by article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( 1953 ) ( Cmd. 8969 ) in seeking to resolve the uncertainty or ambiguity in the common law ; ( 7 ) in failing , as did Browne J. in the Bognor Regis case , to have proper regard to the public interest in freedom of expression and to the question of whether in a democratic society there really was a pressing social need to extend the ambit of the law of defamation to enable a governmental body to sue in respect of presumed ( and not actual ) injury to its governmental reputation ; ( 8 ) in failing to take into account the acceptance by the English courts of the fact that where a governmental plaintiff sought to invoke a private law right to interfere with freedom of discussion about the workings of government , the court 's approach would ( because of the competing public interests involved ) differ from that in a private dispute between citizen and citizen .
23 He feels the nomadic lifestyle contributed to a shyness which has made it difficult for him to establish close friendships ever since .
24 Mike spent more than 30 days waiting on one or other of the platforms , and it was not until the last day that the colobus monkeys came close enough for him to get good shots of them moving through the trees .
25 I did find a place that would take us but for Holmes there were too many interesting species of humans and dogs , for him to get involved in being trained .
26 It took a few bumps on the head for him to get used to the low ceiling and the prominent oak beams , but now they do n't bother him at all .
27 For him to demand repeated empirical evidence at that stage was doubly unnecessary , for not only had he heard the words of Christ , he had listened to the eye-witness accounts of his fellow disciples .
28 She 'll try the approach of oh well I 'm sure you meant well but it really was n't in Richard 's best interests for him to have overnight access and all this
29 The fear of a ‘ few stern five minutes ’ with his father , who wanted him to leave Battersea Grammar School for the neighbouring public school St. Paul 's , and had arranged for him to have special lessons in Latin verse and in Greek , kept him steadily at school work , although he knew he ‘ could do better at lessons if I wished ’ .
30 But even where a man threatens to use no more force than is necessary for him to have sexual intercourse with a woman and the force needed , bearing in mind their relative sizes and strengths , would be minimal , it seems to be accepted that this would be rape .
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