Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I reckon 'e should feel right at 'ome .
2 And so , Nicodemus would have been familiar with this story , and Jesus says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , even so , must the son of man be lifted up , but whoever believes in him may have eternal life .
3 The Constitution allowed the Governor-General no discretion over this , but Eri announced that he was reinstating Diro in his ministerial and parliamentary posts , claiming that to dismiss him would provoke immense social and political upheaval .
4 Members of congress are , in any event , likely to be in awe of the president ; a direct telephone call from him will carry special weight as Tip O'Neill reports : ‘ The men and women in Congress love nothing better than to hear from the head guy .
5 I suspect the left hook with which he floored Ali in their first bout and the controversy aroused when referee Harry Gibbs decided Bugner had outpointed him will remain important entries in British boxing long after the widely-publicised arguments between Eubank and Benn have faded from memory .
6 In the ornate new council chamber , Mayor Murphy was trying to convince the city council that to be a real Edwardian Mayor he ought to wear mayoral robes , as they did in England ; the newly extended hospital was bracing itself for additional accident cases ; and Hank Stych stood in the airport at Calgary waiting for a local plane to take him north to Tollemarche .
7 Now I ca n't account for that , because he ought to have strong ones did n't he , if he did all that stuff there ?
8 He knew he ought to feel guilty about Cora-Beth , to whom he had not yet written the promised letter , but with a telegram already despatched to Mrs Appleby , advising her of his visit and that he would be bringing a young lady , he told himself that it was too late to change the arrangement .
9 Thiercelin realized that he ought to feel annoyed , and up to a point he did .
10 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
11 It being their considered opinion , based on personal experience , that no one method is sufficient to meet their needs in adult life , they desire , therefore , that the Minister of Education shall with the utmost speed institute a Special Enquiry into the results of the present system and if necessary in the light of conclusions thus established , take such steps as he may think desirable to include the use of fingerspellng and signing , in conjunction with the oral teaching , in the curriculum of all Special Schools for the Deaf .
12 He is embarrassed as well as frustrated when he hears people say he may go mad again when the hot weather comes , when he has maintained his sanity for many summers .
13 He added that he may appoint independent assessors to review the viability of the 10 pits that have already been closed .
14 In the case of a Japanese company wishing to invest in this country , whereas hitherto the attractions of the United Kingdom economy , along with the English language , which is important in Japanese investment , have been significant , for the future we are issuing a warning to the Japanese investor to be careful ; he may not be able to price across Europe in the future , he may experience high interest rates in this country and he may find it much harder to trade into the Community , because if we are not participating in the single currency we may not get all the benefits of the single market either .
15 DEAN JONES fears his Test career may be over and he may quit Australian cricket .
16 He may feel anxious , depressed or moody as well as positive and excited .
17 Explain at once to the speechreader what the mistake was so that he can share the joke , otherwise he may feel uncomfortable and puzzled by the reactions to his remark .
18 Explain that the patient 's mouth will become dry and he may feel sleepy .
19 He may prefer still mineral water to tap water , so a bottle can be kept near him .
20 He may suffer financial penalties .
21 If one doctor treats condition ‘ y ’ with therapy ‘ x ’ , he may observe clinical improvement in the absence of any real treatment effect ; if this experience repeats itself , he is destined to become an enthusiast for therapy ‘ x ’ .
22 He may face fresh charges .
23 While it may be strategic for a juvenile male to appease larger ones for a period and while he may learn elaborate social skills in the process , his ultimate strategy is to replace the dominant animal in terms of access to required commodities — especially mates .
24 Alternatively he may lie able to sue for misrepresentation .
25 To note any excess in the numbers of any class of inmates which he may deem detrimental to health .
26 If a horse is very spooky and really does not ever settle down , there is a possibility that he may have defective eye-sight .
27 He may have other faults , ’ pointed out the Substitute , ‘ that she did n't care to mention .
28 Pension schemes are vital to many of our constituents , and I should have thought that they would be of equal importance to Conservative Members in Scotland , who may soon have to look to their own pension schemes although the Minister has reassured me that he may have other arrangements .
29 He may have proportional representation , or he may not ; he wo n't say .
30 If the law grants him a defence in these circumstances , then he may have sexual intercourse with her and use violence upon her with impunity .
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