Example sentences of "he [be] go out " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sure 'e 's goin' out of 'is mind about that gym , Dan , ’ Sadie fretted .
2 He 's going out of the wood , ’ said Philip .
3 But instead of getting into bed , he gets into another suit , God save us , and says he 's going out again .
4 Well he was dashing out when I when I called him erm his wife answered the phone and she said you just him he 's going out at the door so he came rushing back and I said I wanted him to judge champion of champions and the and I said there 'll be two and he said , hang on , and he 's write it down said I 'll just stick it all at one and see to it when I come back , oh I got ta go and he went .
5 Well if he 's going out and she 's going out , who 's gon na look after the children ?
6 And then I thought oh that 's Clayton coming in as well and then I thought no it is n't , he 's going out and I heard him go out .
7 what he can say that he 'd go with her but he 'd had to be back , sort of , by four cos he 's going out with you he says that , that 'll get him out of it then wo n't he ?
8 No hi Bill he 's going out mum
9 He 's going out with me Mary .
10 and then he 's , he 's going out and they 're coming like that direction and he 's looked round and he 's seen the soldier , doing it , he 's gone and this is how I did it and then he put his , like this and he stuck his hands up and as his done that he 's got shot through the body from the side , what 's
11 He 's going out the port about quarter past eleven .
12 No , he 's going out with wo , a gi , a woman called Keilly , right ?
13 So he 's married to Lorraine , and he 's going out with Keilly ?
14 Alright , he 's going out with a girl called Laura , he 's coming onto her sister but he thinks he 's in love with Sally .
15 He 's going out with Lucy
16 He 's going out to spend some .
17 If a mother says to a child , as he 's going out , ‘ If it rains , put your coat on , ’ she does n't mean , ‘ Test now whether it is raining , and if it is , then put your coat on , if not , do n't bother , and then forget about that instruction . ’
18 He was going out with Chrissie Hynde in those days .
19 He went back into the flat , grabbed his coat , told an astonished Frau Nordern that he was going out for a moment and , without waiting for any protests , dashed out and joined Bodo at the foot of the stairs .
20 He was going out with a silly cow of an art student and she lent him the book .
21 He was going out with somebody else by then .
22 And to think he was going out with Sally !
23 My mother says he did n't train enough because he was going out with a girl called Ticky Hinton .
24 The day he died , he told her he was going out to get some air .
25 He was going out and would be engaged for the following few days .
26 During the previous weeks there had been fine weather , and after a day in the office Paul would keep his mother company in the evenings for a little while , then , as they had nothing to say to one another , he would tell her he was going out for a breath of air .
27 He could n't believe this was happening to him — that he was going out with Kate and that the whole world could see it .
28 ‘ He said he was going out to meet a friend . ’
29 I asked him why the hell he wanted me to stay the night when he was going out later , and he just shrugged his shoulders and said he was in a funny mood and did n't know what he was saying . ’
30 ‘ He shouted to me as he was going out to play cricket with the other boys .
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