Example sentences of "he [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I felt a bit sorry for 'im once , so I sent 'im over a bird but 'e were n't 'aving none of it .
2 I felt a bit sorry for 'im once , so I sent 'im over a bird but 'e were n't 'aving none of it .
3 She could do a lot worse — 'e 's a good , steady man and 'e 's not given ti strong drink . ’
4 ‘ Mind you , 'e 's not bin the same since 'e left the yard .
5 ‘ I 'ope 'e 's not burned bad , ’ she muttered anxiously .
6 'E 's always bin the quiet one .
7 'E 's never bin the same since the stables .
8 'E 's never complained . ‘
9 She said she told Ernie what she told Frank Galloway an' Ernie said 'e was n't goin' ter get involved , an' she should send the vicar round ter sort Galloway out .
10 The inhabitants of the outside world exist for the social actor not as persons whom he knows on an individualised basis , but as social types ( like mechanics or planners ) , or indistinguishable collectivities of persons ( like bureaucrats , Tories or Dinka ) The rules and conditions coming from the outside which in some way affect him are simply taken as given .
11 And the two men allegedly crucified with him are explicitly described as ‘ Lestai ’ , Zealots .
12 The seller will be in breach of these if all charges and encumbrances ( e.g. liens ) known to him were not made known to the buyer before the contract was made .
13 And the people round him were n't jumping .
14 With him were also arrested Anna Mutini and Dario Faccio .
15 The honours that came to him were richly deserved .
16 All the points of her body that had been pressed against him were suddenly touched with fingers of ice .
17 His ‘ Caesar ’ hair-cut was brilliantined into kiss-curls framing a face that had nasty carved all over it , and rumour had it that people who crossed him were never seen again .
18 ‘ My son died like that and the bastards that murdered him were never caught . ’
19 Her feelings about him were so mixed , and Dawn 's warning echoed constantly in her mind .
20 At the second last she put in a tremendous leap and was back in the lead as Run And Skip started to fade , but Forgive 'N Forget on the stands side and Wayward Lad inside him were now going for home , and they passed Dawn Run on the approach to the last .
21 In other incidents ( i ) Sam Chand , a PAC activist , was among six people assassinated in a bomb explosion in Botswana on April 23 ; ( ii ) his brother Ishmael Chand died in an accident on his way to the funeral ; and ( iii ) the secretary of the PAC internal wing , Benny Alexander , and other PAC members travelling with him were seriously injured in a car crash in the northern Cape on May 3 .
22 Well do n't you enjoy him being here making you laugh ?
23 There had been a period when he allowed Barbara Castle , Dick Crossman and George Wigg , all of whom suffered from the belief that politics was a conspiracy , to influence him too much , but in later years he had broken free from them and I suddenly realised how much I had got used to him being there to shoulder the final responsibility , to feeling able to turn to him naturally for a second opinion and for well-informed advice .
24 Normally it would have horrified her to think of him being so cross with her .
25 No as him being really isolated , you know , in a dark forest or whatever , I do n't know .
26 But your ability to sympathise with him is powerfully lessened by the fact that this hero is also an immature prig and lying snob , whose principal objection to Helena is her social inferiority .
27 ‘ We want to give him the chance to tell us how this strong criticism of him is not justified .
28 As for rearing the child in a laboratory , the unit prepared for him is not equipped with bunsen burners and retorts and animal cages .
29 And suing him is n't going to help it .
30 By now it must be obvious that bullying him is n't going to work .
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