Example sentences of "he [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name .
2 The patronage of Sir Edward Phelips [ q.v. ] probably brought him admission to the Middle Temple ( 1614 ) , James I gave him fee-farm rents in sixteen counties ( 1619–24 ) , and he became clerk extraordinary to the Privy Council ( 1624–40 ) .
3 I wish him luck in the negotiations that he will vigorously pursue towards that end .
4 When the future Cardinal Richelieu entered government service for the first time in 1616 he found available so little essential documentation on foreign policy that he had to ask French representatives abroad to send him copies of the instructions they had been given : without this he could not know even what the policies of his immediate predecessor had been .
5 This , allied to the respect and admiration he had already gained here as captain of our 1977 promotion team and as a member of the full Welsh International side , established an empathy between Ian and the fans which made him part of the folk-lore of Crystal Palace Football Club .
6 Shilton rightly won the PFA 's player award , while Burns re-formed so impressively that we writers voted him Footballer of the Year .
7 Dad drew him maps to the unconscious ; he suggested routes and speeds , clothing for the journey and how to sit at the wheel when approaching the dangerous interior .
8 Roffman and Purdy have quite rightly stressed that Vidor 's traditional populism gave him sympathy for the underdog , but prevented him from moving towards any collectivist political situation .
9 He was a founder member of the PASOK socialist movement , but his maverick style earned him enemies on the Left as well as the Right .
10 I chased him west along the south coast of the island and closed off Gozo .
11 She 'd promised him money for the van , which she would make wearing that bloody badge .
12 Sometimes she would give him money on the sly and he would help her with chores .
13 ‘ If he 's a good boy I might make him Chairman of the board of Ferguson Foods !
14 Although he lacked the wit , pathos , or imagination traditionally associated with distinguished advocates of the Irish bar , his scrupulous fair dealing and evangelical propensities led Hugh Percy , third Duke of Northumberland [ q.v. ] , to appoint him chairman of the Londonderry quarter sessions in 1830 .
15 It had been a mistake on her part to appoint him chairman of the Party in the 1980s , the twin conditions of the appointment being , as she remembered , the removal of his ‘ dreadful ’ beard and the dropping of the ‘ Selwyn ’ .
16 In 1986 the quasi-biblical [ in France ] Gault-Millau guide voted him chef of the year with a 19/20 rating , raised to 19.5 in 1990 .
17 Sancho , ruling in Castile , at once began to extend his territories , assisted by Rodrigo , who was given the title of Ensign , a position which automatically gave him command of the army .
18 There was no fire and I had switched off long before the port wing touched the ground , I saw him hare across the airfield diagonally opposed to the direction of the hangar , and indeed the aircraft , and at the same time he was haring away towards Findhorn .
19 If he had money , he would buy a case of beer from the bar which would gain him entry to the table .
20 He 'd been soaked , and hoped that at least this might finally gain him entry to the flat ; she 'd never invited him in .
21 They called him Toby in the boarding annexe , ‘ sir ’ in the school , except when they got it mixed up .
22 But she thought of how , if the positions had been reversed , she would have written pages full of detail to Ellen , would have described a child in such a way as to make him spring from the writing , alive and visible .
23 That has led Wimbledon to put huge price tags on his head and wealthy owner Sam Hammam has even promised to make him president of the Dons .
24 In some circles there is excited talk of making him president of the SNP , talk which the present incumbent rather resents .
25 When the Constituent Assembly elected him President of the Provisional Government , eighty per cent of the public approved ( according to an opinion poll . )
26 Maybe his life in Attleborough afforded him insulation from the rigours of inner city life , but he never understood his colour to be an obstacle .
27 She had enjoyed bringing him goodies from the kitchen — ends of puddings in one of the dogs ' dishes , the last remains of cakes , meat , bones — only chicken bones , because they were so bad for the dogs .
28 ‘ I asked him was that pounds or dollars and he said dollars , so I said sure that 's not so bad and offered him £5 off the price of a new sweater .
29 INTERESTING sidelight on behaviour in the corridors of power : Nigel Lawson has revealed that when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher appointed him Chancellor of the Exchequer , she told him to get his hair cut .
30 ‘ Bigman says : you give him namenz of the Emp . ’
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