Example sentences of "he [verb] through the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , shortly after the Electricity Act received the royal assent , in September 1947 , Attlee appointed Gaitskell as Minister in his place , and it therefore fell to him to carry through the Government 's work of nationalisation by completing the appointments to the Boards and the working out of the new relationship of Ministry and BEA .
2 His creator had fashioned him from clockwork and set him to go through the motions of living without giving him the actual breath of life .
3 I myself saw him parading through the stunned streets , with courtiers , in his carriage , pushed by a white horse like a paper bag full of water and bones .
4 She breathed relief and opened her eyes just in time to see him disappear through the wire gate .
5 Then at the last minute she swung round , her heart bursting inside her , just in time to see him disappear through the terrace doors .
6 I glanced round a couple of times expecting him to appear through the trees with a mouthful of oaths and a loud ‘ Come on , Boyo !
7 He did n't want anyone to see him walking through the theatre .
8 The bedroom door was pushed right back and , from where she was lying stretched out on her reclining chair , Bella could see him climbing through the window .
9 Something to keep him occupied through the odd thirty seconds of the week when he 's not actually reading some other report .
10 Elf astrologers and geomancers studied the portents to divine the best time for the new king to begin his reign , and calculated the best time for him to pass through the flame .
11 He got up , flung the strange , savage robe around his shoulders again and went into the other room where she heard him shouting through the door " Is that little matter sorted out yet , at the Dog and Gun ? "
12 They kept him going through the night but his editorial judgment was rarely at fault .
13 Not that this stopped him going through the hoops for photographers when Forest got Nigel Mansell down to their ground the other week .
14 Later , I took him riding through the woods .
15 Last night Mr Smith wrote to Mr Major urging him to publish through the Commons library the legal advice given by the Government law officers on Labour 's controversial clause 27 , with the apparently contradictory legal advice given to the Foreign Office .
16 In this instant , a stronger bit might help with the strong horse to stop him running through the rider 's hand .
17 I saw him go through the gate into the woods … ’
18 Rather than waiting for inspiration he is shown with a pen in his hand , an unfinished manuscript on the table , and at his side a harpsichord on which we are to imagine him playing through the work in progress .
19 But the almost mesmeric brilliance of Severiano Ballesteros first of all broke down what had appeared to be insurmountable barriers and then allowed him to charge through the gaps , devastating anything in his path .
20 He was the owner and shipmaster of the Russell , and when he was n't off at sea ( which was usually ) she sometimes saw him striding through the village with Mr Bryant , a gentleman from Plymouth who went on voyages as navigator with him .
21 She could n't relax ; she could hear every move he made through the flimsy wall , and each one stretched her nerves tight .
22 He flies through the air with the greatest of ease , that daring young man is his … top secret experimental jet fighter ?
23 Subject : He flies through the air with greatest of ease
24 Subject : Re : He flies through the air with greatest of ease
25 He said how he had noticed the barometer as he passed through the sitting-room on his way to the kitchen where the meters were .
26 As he passed through the doorway , he heard his bus go grinding by the church and away up the hill .
27 He passed through the lane at half-past one this morning , on his way home .
28 Then , gripping it , he passed through the rustle of the reed jalousie hanging in the doorway into the small interior , where Sycorax lay on her side , collapsed on the beaten earth like a child 's poppet made from plaited grass , with Ariel on her haunches beside her , head sunk on her knees , a fan fallen to the ground beside her .
29 There had been some kind of vast domed hall as he passed through the Gates ; he thought there had been colours within the light then , and he had received a dim impression of a far-off vaulted ceiling .
30 He passed through the outer office , oblivious of the astonished looks on the faces of the two girls .
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