Example sentences of "he [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ An 'e called the police ? ’
2 ‘ E 's gettin' too big fer 'is boots , demandin' this an' that every time 'e enters the 'ouse .
3 Yer told me yerself 'e put the finger on the goin 's on at the Crown .
4 ‘ Fred 's a diamond , an' 'e finks the world of 'er .
5 I told 'im I was gettin' over me wounds an' 'e said the work was 'ard an' did I fink I could manage it .
6 ‘ Mind you , 'e 's not bin the same since 'e left the yard .
7 Beyond him rode the Lombard brothers grinning broadly and enjoying themselves .
8 Later ( Mk 12 : 29 ) they would hear him affirm the oneness of God , but how reconcile that with this ?
9 He returned to the barn to ask the other farm workers to help him cover the ricks .
10 She got out , pulling up the hood of her waterproof , and helped him to carry the crates up the drive .
11 Essex , whose young players to watch are Mark Ilott and Nick Knight , defend their Britannic Assurance title hoping , as usual , that Neil Foster 's knees will allow him to remain the country 's best bowler .
12 It was all very well for Bragg to instruct him to go the rounds of prostitutes ' haunts , but he had precious little idea of how to go about it .
13 I remembered him using the word malfunction , ‘ a surgically induced malfunction ’ , that was it .
14 He was a punctilious blighter and I ca n't see him using the Lab as a convenient place for a rendezvous .
15 Lean times were to follow and three years later we find him using the backs of sheets of his Jedburgh map to draw a privately commissioned plan .
16 She made for the new extension , hoping she had imagined that speculative look in her young assistant 's eye , and feeling that she 'd better let him think the Palmer & Pearson file had dropped on her desk while he was absent on Friday .
17 I waited a moment , letting him think the line was dead .
18 ‘ Of course , why do you think I asked him to attend the opening of the store ? ’
19 She negotiated with Henry and the Residential Centre and fixed up for him to attend the scheme for three days a week .
20 Copies of the application must be sent to the official receiver in sufficient time to enable him to attend the hearing of the application .
21 These encouraged him to attend the parish church , where ‘ I was so overrun with the spirit of superstition that I adored all things ( both the High Place , Priest , Clerk , vestments , service and what else ) belonging to the Church . ’
22 The official receiver must give at least twenty-one days ' notice of the meeting to the bankrupt and may require him to attend the meeting ( r 6.84 )
23 He did n't know why General Kopyion had asked him to attend the meeting with the Archon .
24 Gloucester was thus strengthening his grip on the duchy connection , but it was also in the interest of the crown for him to preserve the connection : an ambiguity emphasized by the fact that Ashton and Pilkington were royal as well as ducal servants .
25 Gloucester was thus strengthening his grip on the duchy connection , but it was also in the interest of the crown for him to preserve the connection : an ambiguity emphasized by the fact that Ashton and Pilkington were royal as well as ducal servants .
26 This would enable him to restore the foot to the proper position of function , and he would keep it like that by strapping it into a right-angle splint , with a kind of plate under the foot attached to splints up the calf .
27 If a creditor has levied and completed execution the debentureholders can not compel him to restore the money , nor , until the charge has crystallised , can he be restrained from levying execution .
28 She visualised him drawing the sleeping-bag around him .
29 She shook her head , not understanding , watching him bundle the rabbit in her jumper , then lift it and sling it over his shoulder .
30 The writer of the Book of Hebrews links the joy and suffering of Christ by saying : ‘ Let us fix our eyes on Jesus , the author and perfecter of our faith , who for the joy set before him endured the cross , scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ’
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