Example sentences of "he [verb] first [been] " in BNC.

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1 When he 'd first been taken poorly , Baby had been driven in an ambulance from one hospital to another .
2 Then the inner sanctum ; precisely one hour after he 'd first been called ; he was sure it was deliberate .
3 He had first been found guilty of setting fire to an armoured personnel carrier commandeered by students and a car during the 19898 pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing .
4 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee in London that after coming to England with the promise of employment last year , he had first been taken to the surgery of Dr Raymond Crockett for what he believed to be a medical examination for a job .
5 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee in London that after coming to England with the promise of employment last year , he had first been taken to the surgery of Dr Raymond Crockett for what he believed to be a medical examination for a job .
6 He had desired to go to his homesite just once , not because he expected his parents to greet him with pleasure — he knew they would long ago have forgotten him in the act of rearing many other young even if they were still alive — but because it was there he had first been caught .
7 With the flat , disciplined North German plain rattling past , he suddenly remembered when he had first been posted to Germany how surprised and even unnerved he had been to find that all the buildings seemed familiar .
8 He had first been appointed Chief Minister in early December 1989 , replacing his father Devi Lal , on the latter 's appointment to the central Cabinet .
9 British Moslem leaders claimed that the ban was an example of British double standards , since there had been no ban on Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses , for which he had first been condemned to death by the Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in February 1989 [ see pp. 36450-51 ; 37266 ] .
10 ON reporting to Chantilly on the morning of February 25th , Pétain and Serrigny found that ‘ the panic was at its peak ’ The fall of Verdun was expected momentarily , ‘ and everybody was saying that General Herr should be shot ’ Somehow it leaked out that Pétain had come from Paris , not Noailles , and the word was quickly passed round by those veterans of intrigue that he had first been to see the Minister of War , Galliéni , the implacable foe of G.Q.G. Doubtless the rumour helped augment the alarm in the air .
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