Example sentences of "he [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 After that , D'Arcy called Dave Forbes in London to put him briefly in the picture and to tell him to liaise with the ship and cargo insurers at Lloyd 's .
2 But Thomson was soon back in favour again , receiving instructions on the management of the impending war with Spain in the Caribbean from the Protector , who told him to liaise with the fleet commanders ( 1654 ) , and joining an enlarged trade committee ( 1655 ) .
3 Eight days later , Scott received an official letter approving the design of the India Office and instructing him to proceed with the working drawings .
4 Last week , chairman Lord Alexander bit the bullet : Frost became deputy chairman , freeing him to cope with the re-opened Department of Trade and Industry probe .
5 Recognising that man can not escape , it leaves him to cope with the paradox and frustration , content to walk by faith , not by sight , believing that one day all things will become new and be reconciled in Christ .
6 He needs therapy and some rehabilitation to enable him to cope with the constant uncertainty of his life and the violent frustration his condition causes him .
7 And it raised the question of whether , if he plays again , Syd 's body will allow him to bowl with the same rampaging style .
8 They bade goodnight to Joe and left him struggling with the two inebriates .
9 We also find him toying with the idea of writing an arthuriad , choosing his subject from English history .
10 One can see him grappling with the difficulty in his poem-cum-essay ‘ The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm 's Son ’ , published in 1953 , the year before The Fellowship of the Ring .
11 Now I 've seen him interfering with the smoke alarm now !
12 If the Minister is not prepared to shoulder the burden on behalf of the British taxpayer , is the time not right for him to work with the European Community in establishing a Europewide diversification initiative ?
13 And that was him done with the travelling life . ’
14 He took him hunting with the Old Berkshire where he jumped all sorts of obstacles and had to learn to look after himself in tricky situations and he found a new enthusiasm .
15 During World War I his pacifist convictions led him to serve with the Friends ' Ambulance Unit in France and then with the Friends ' War Victims ' Relief Committee in Russia .
16 Corbett sang the psalms with them , feeling a great deal of the tension within him dissipate with the monotonous , harmonious chant .
17 Er but er they devised various ways on their own to help them with these things , you know , they er I do n't know exactly what it was called but you you would see a Maybe a riveter in below the in below the boat er doing the shell , in below the boat , and he would have a Like a hammer , a a an arm that was rigged up for him er to give him an assistance with the the machine , to hold the machine up to You know to let him work with the machine .
18 She had never even expected him to help with the dishes when she had fed him here .
19 The then Leader of the House , John MacGregor ( who was today sitting on the platform with the great ones of the party , wearing a kilt to which , strictly speaking , he was not entitled ) had called upon him to help with the inquiries .
20 ‘ Peter wanted to do anything he could to help catch Paul 's killers but it was not easy for him to help with the pictures . ’
21 A local authority does not acquire parental responsibility under an interim supervision order but the order may require the child or the person responsible for him to comply with the supervisor 's directions .
22 Jnana — relates to mystical or magical knowledge required by a spiritual teacher to enable him to deal with the mysterious powers of nature as well as the intuitive awareness of a single , all-including entity other than which nothing persists ( in simple terms , the Creator ) .
23 Sheriff Crozier said yesterday that it would have been wrong of him to deal with the matter behind the scenes .
24 Now , however , the Scots were more audacious and belligerent than ever , and Lancaster was the heir to Edward 's problems , particularly as the earl raised quite as many qualms and suspicions as the king did ; there was even talk of him allying with the Scots in order to defeat his English enemies .
25 When the reports and figures come in , you should discuss them with your solicitor and instruct him to negotiate with the vendor 's solicitor a reduction in price to take account of the defects , independent valuation and any discrepancies in boundaries/room sizes .
26 It snatched at Cardiff and he tried to twist away from it , pain like fire stabbing into his chest where the thing had him gripped with the other claw .
27 Melges 's answer was to pin up two crew lists , with him staying with the new Kanza .
28 Harry 's employer , Major Spofforth , was himself a golfer ; he recognized that the young man had skill , and encouraged him to persevere with the game .
29 He brought you back here , and you stayed with him long enough to get him to part with the doge 's ring … ’
30 To his surprise , Molly threw away the dregs of tea in her beaker and held it out for him to fill with the frothing liquor .
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