Example sentences of "he [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 'E needs a good romp in the fields , ’ and he looked at Willie , and I reckon you do an' all , he thought .
2 'E sounds a right dopey git if yer ask me .
3 In front rode Mr Rochester on his black horse , and with him rode a beautiful lady , her black curls streaming in the wind .
4 Grumpily Dai Huang chose Li Lu , to help him construct a newer , bigger kiln .
5 The land he rode was marshy , forcing him to weave an intricate course past the more treacherous patches .
6 They questioned whether air traffic controllers should have over-ruled Captain Fuchs and insisted on him using a remote runway .
7 ‘ Shall I tell him to wait a few minutes , Inspector ?
8 His hair , which he had cut himself in one of the gales of thrift that blew up in him every few weeks , kept getting into his eyes and caused him to see a charming rainbow when he stood under a street lamp to look up at Sam 's room — something he had done too often .
9 An appointment was made for him to see an orthopaedic consultant who had a monthly clinic in Bala .
10 Walsh added : ‘ I expect James 's ankle to be right but I 'll probably start him from the bench and let him make an explosive entrance .
11 Summoned to Lord Beaverbrook 's presence on her departure for the US she listened to him develop a one-sided Scottish conversation which included the listing of many ancestors and their places of burial .
12 It also allowed him to include a wide range of ‘ non-sacred ’ ideas and images which colour our lives from the cradle to the grave , not least those of loving and sexuality .
13 It is in the music of his latter years that one can find him reliving an older manner that evokes the comfortable world which Humperdinck , wisely , never left .
14 He was the landlord of the Dowlais ironworks , in the 1840s the largest ironworks in the world , and his paltry returns from the Dowlais lease caused him to drive a hard bargain with those seeking the coal of his estate .
15 One huge hand was already placed in the small of her back , pinning her helplessly to the desk : then she felt him wind a thick hank of her blonde hair around his other fist , and jerk her head back .
16 As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism .
17 We have asked him to lodge a formal vote of confidence in the government when the Congress resumes today , ’ one source said .
18 That he was a good and strong swimmer I assumed , because his American youth had familiarized him with the sea and coastal sailing ; but , owing to his agoraphobia , I can not exactly imagine him enjoying a high dive .
19 According to the patient , she had made patently clear her refusal to allow him to perform a vaginal or rectal examination because of a history of child sexual abuse by her doctor father .
20 He gave private shows for relatives before his teacher at Middleton-in-Teesdale primary school asked him to perform a weekly trick before the class .
21 After several rejections the war artists ' committee grudgingly asked him to paint an underground bomb store near Burton-on-Trent in 1942 .
22 Phillips straight to Hill and that 's a long ball aimed at Ormanroyd Cooper across to cover and you just saw him grimace a little bit again there as he charged in on Ormanroyd .
23 Bratby was intrigued by Minton and soon after he got to know him painted a huge picture on paper , entitled ‘ Homage to John Minton ’ .
24 Whatever I thought did n't prevent him maintaining a huge Spanish style mansion in several acres of ground .
25 ‘ And did any ask of you , towards the end of the evening , to help him hoist a long bundle on to the wagon with the wood ? ’ asked Cadfael , directly but without much expectation , and shook to the simple answer .
26 The first hint that Hills might be interested in a group pensions plan came when the company 's Board asked him to arrange a formal briefing .
27 One such affront , to the Archduke of Austria , later cost him his freedom and caused him to suffer a long imprisonment from which he was only freed at huge expense — much of which was raised by his neglected kingdom of England .
28 Now his landlord , the Allied Brewery group , has invited him to accept a 10-year lease at a starting price of £36,000 a year .
29 On 24 June she wrote her final thank you to the architect , asking him to accept a signed photograph of herself ‘ in remembrance of the trouble you have taken concerning my beautiful Dolls ' House ’ .
30 Mr Paul might be making a great deal of money and becoming famous , and she 'd heard they had asked him to accept an honorary doctorate , whatever good that might do .
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