Example sentences of "he [verb] [been] do " in BNC.

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1 Richard 's second victim , Clarence , is also taken in by the hypocrite 's feigned concern , but since the real plot against him has been done through intermediaries he may seem less blameworthy .
2 The trainer now reports : ‘ Arazi is an intelligent horse , much more mature , and in his work he has been doing just what he has to do . ’
3 Hamish McLeod from the University of Edinburgh will describe what he has been doing and discuss what teachers might do .
4 He has been doing weight work at home .
5 In a conventional world , the Chancellor would simply roll his forecasts forward as he has been doing for the past two years now .
6 As to what he 'd been doing , there had been a couple of incidents down by the river , which on top of the morning 's ordeal , had about finished him .
7 He wanted to expand , so he went into partnership with someone he 'd been doing business with .
8 I asked him what he 'd been doing out East and he said he 'd been starting up a chain of these shops in Japan . ’
9 ‘ From the expression on Rik 's face , you would think he 'd been doing this sort of stuff all his life , ’ Gerald says .
10 He 'd been doing solo club pa 's as Zura C before the pair met .
11 Obviously he 'd been doing some kind of a finance deal ; setting up a takeover ; and he 'd lifted some off the top for himself . ’
12 But Pete said that it was n't , because for much of the hour he 'd been doing the same .
13 By comparison , what he 'd been doing in the cafeteria block was mere journeyman stuff .
14 He 'd been doing it all evening .
15 " To destroy the evidence of what he 'd been doing , or the result of his analysis , or the time he 'd spent on it .
16 I went to have a look at what he 'd been doing .
17 But he went on refusing to say anything at all about what he 'd been doing in Paris .
18 While Zen waited for his driver to arrive , his hosts tried politely to find out who he was and what he 'd been doing , but he remained deliberately vague .
19 But he had finished whatever he 'd been doing , so Juliet just tidied the bed and put a few things away .
20 But that was what he 'd been doing for the past several minutes .
21 Because he was just doing the same job as he 'd been doing under the private under the L N E R. Management were more conciliatory when nationalization came on .
22 anyway their Bev 's husband he 'd been doing some work plus some money they dropped on these spindles , so she was telling me
23 Did he say what he 'd been doing with himself ?
24 What could he have been doing in that little field but reconnoitring the back premises of the house at the far end — even breaking in , there had been burglaries lately .
25 By the time they met , Leonard was indeed pushing hard at the doors of his own individuality — in one sense he had been doing that for years .
26 In between these demonstrations of loyalty and discipline under fire he had said nothing to clarify the Government 's policy for combating inflation other than that there was no alternative to what he had been doing .
27 Charles defended the man stoutly , and asked instead , what the hell the driver thought he had been doing careering up and down the lochside like that .
28 All he could remember was that TOWs were shipped at some point ; that ‘ the price asked for the military was twelve million two ’ ; that the aircraft could turn round and abort the delivery if the hostages were not released , which he thought was ‘ a most unusual thing ’ ; and that it was definitely not ‘ the Khomeini ’ with whom he had been doing business .
29 The Russian race , on which the competitors were accommodated on a train following the race route , proved to be a harrowing experience for Zarei , but not because he had been doing too much running .
30 He had been doing voluntary work for young people , and they used to enjoy going dancing and out to a club for a drink on Saturday nights .
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