Example sentences of "he [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We 're the best meal place round 'ere , an' after all 'e used ter call in all the time when 'e 'ad that ovver job , ’ Carrie reminded him .
2 ‘ If 'e puts another farm above this , then 'e 's better away . ’
3 ‘ Anyway , what 'appened was , 'e puts this record on the fing an' winds up the 'andle , an' guess what ? ’
4 All around him rode many squadrons of Rajput cavalry whose armour glittered from afar .
5 Let him rule this country for you . ’
6 If the ex-employee remembers details of some of the previous employer 's customers , there is nothing to stop him using this information .
7 Do you have confidence in him to conduct this operation ?
8 I do n't want him to lose all sense of proportion ; we must make a five .
9 It hurt him to see such changes in her .
10 At one point Dr. Goldsmith was informed that ‘ this committee definitely order him to see all persons who apply for admission to the House before they are admitted , in accordance with the requirements of the local government board ’ .
11 Even Ipuky could not arrange for him to see this body , and he no longer had the cachet of officialdom with which to browbeat the embalmer .
12 ‘ I certainly expect him to see this season out .
13 They wanted him to like this house but he did n't , and he was n't saying so just so they 'd feel better .
14 Besides , sometimes a person 's consent to a right or benefit is required for him to acquire that right or a benefit .
15 I had on the programme Brahms 's Fourth Symphony and at the rehearsal Lamond said to me , ‘ You know , I knew Brahms ; I heard him conduct this piece . ’
16 I did n't want him to breathe that stuff into his lungs , ’ he says .
17 ‘ He 's played extensively in the Football League and I ca n't see him encountering any difficulty with the game over here . ’
18 I did n't want anyone to go to that sort of trouble , but … well , I know Steve 's worried , and I want him to enjoy this trip . ’
19 She said she 'd got him to agree that day and it was no use arguing because it was her price for keeping her promise to be silent about her work on the other paintings . ’
20 If , however , he believes in the right to a free and independent trade union , let him grant that right to the employees at the Government communications headquarters , who have been denied it for the past eight years .
21 IAN HUNTER will be glad to see the back of 1992 after his third fitness problem of the season has forced him to miss another showpiece match .
22 It is the Spirit who not only convinces Paul that ‘ imprisonment and afflictions ’ await him if he goes to Jerusalem , but constrains him to accept that destiny ( Acts 20:22,23 ) .
23 A particular provision in this respect ( Clause 10.08 ) should be included in the agreement to cover the case of a partner being appointed without the benefit of a charging clause where it is necessary to exclude him from participating in fees earned on behalf of the firm for work done in the estate or trust concerned : for him to accept any benefit through the firm 's involvement would be incompatible with his position as executor or trustee .
24 But to have a trolley they needed money , their father 's money , and when Patsy suggested the idea to him , their father laughed and asked them where they expected him to find that sort of money .
25 Speaking for the King , I 'd like him to repair these handcuffs . ’
26 If it is the postman , introduce them ; let him know this man represents no threat .
27 I said I would let him know this afternoon , ’ she continued a little too quickly .
28 Let him act any way he wanted .
29 To watch him interview these patients is to watch a master at work .
30 He 's intelligent , and strong , and handsome , but I 've taught him to scorn those qualities .
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