Example sentences of "he [verb] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ E treated our Nancy when she 'ad w'oopin' cough , but 'e told Mrs Walker that 'er varicose veins is provin' obstinate .
2 I always knew there was somefink a bit fishy about that bloke when 'e lodged wiv Florrie .
3 For years I was trying to get him to go part time but he always put it off .
4 His real interests , however , increasingly came to lie in science and eventually his father paid for him to attend University College London , where he studied chemistry .
5 The men parted to allow him to see Joe Hyde lying on the bed .
6 I ca n't argue with this , but I urge him to include driving lessons in his New Year 's resolutions .
7 These would have bound him to support majority decisions , even where these decisions were not accepted by the ILP Group .
8 She also commissioned him to paint Crystal Springs as a present for Stephen 's birthday in six weeks ' time .
9 ‘ Apparently Cornelius wrote to him demanding redundancy money . ’
10 Although I agree with the sensible suggestion of my hon. Friend the Member for Cambridgeshire , South-East ( Mr. Paice ) , does my right hon. Friend agree that we must try to prevent these crimes from happening and that the best way to do that is for him to instruct magistrates courts throughout the country to pass very harsh sentences on those who are convicted of this outrageous abuse of private property ?
11 People who know him say Ray Noorda regards all of his lieutenants as highly dispensable as he noticeably wearies of them quickly .
12 On his way there the frigate taking him to Suez had called at Jidda to enable him to meet Sharif Husain , the father of Amir Faisal who was leading the Arab Revolt .
13 In private he got on very well with Lloyd George , but he never hid his doubts ; in 1917 he told Unionists that Lloyd George was a man who has the defects of his qualities " , and told his audience that he was saying no more than he had told the Prime Minister to his face ; when in 1920 he was told that Unionists would rather hear him attack Lloyd George than defend him , he told this story to the Prime Minister too .
14 They watched him leap th bank of the further copse and disappear through the green bracken .
15 I forced him to try marriage guidance and then backed off bawling when he told our counsellor he 'd felt alienated since our eldest , then seven , was two . ’
16 After a discussion with Ira Dilworth I telegraphed Dr Liu requesting him to inform Chiang Kai-Shek that I could be available to go to China on a month 's notice .
17 It was the first time she had been able to grant his wish and take him to visit Santa Claus in a large department store , and that made it for her the happiest Christmas she could remember .
18 Who rang him in May to make the appointment for him to visit Jackdaw Cottage ?
19 Roquelaure arranged for him to visit DGSE headquarters on the boulevard Berthier ring road .
20 Then America 's Fox cable network tapped him to replace Joan Rivers on another chatfest , The Late Show .
21 We see old film footage of him meeting Juliette Greco and Sartre .
22 Hodge and those around him believed Syngman Rhee should be encouraged and believed he could be controlled ; they were later to regret having aided Rhee 's ambitions to the extent that they had done when they found themselves exposed to Rhee 's mordant censure .
23 Yes but my Lord d dealing also with the suggestion by the defendants that it would have been improper to advise him to serve completion notice when he was n't in a position to complete and the solicitor deals with the the expert deals also with that position as to what is the practice of a solicitor in that situation if there 's a potential er problem for that particular solicitor to what the advice should be as to how the client should deal with the that .
24 But as they continued down the hill to Dingle and along the road that curved round the harbour to Ballingolin , she was even more bewildered to hear him reciting family history to her — history she had taken in with her mother 's milk and knew by heart .
25 Behind him came Sir Thomas similarly clad .
26 You may have caught him imitating sand hoppers and sundry creepy-crawlies on the current David Bellamy TV series .
27 In 1987 , I founded by prestigious First Turkey of the Christmas Season award and gave it to the British banker who had lent ( and lost ) £500,000 to a penniless student for him to play stock market futures .
28 His three-year contract with Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
29 His three-year contract with Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
30 Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
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