Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But why should Joe Maitland do that if 'e went ter the fights 'imself ? ’
2 'E collapsed as 'e come out the Kings Arms an' they rushed 'im away ter the 'ospital. 'E 's in a bad way so Maisie Dingle told me .
3 It would be placing too heavy a burden on an employer to require him to carry out a formal medical investigation and , even if he did , such an investigation would rarely be fruitful because of the transient nature of the employee 's symptoms and complaints .
4 The ‘ observer as participant ’ is known by the group under study to be an observer but has been accepted , temporarily , by the group and allowed temporary membership to enable him to carry out the research .
5 On 9 March , Coleman received a detailed encrypted message from Control setting up Operation Shakespeare , clearing his visit to Lebanon and instructing him to carry out the mission as Thomas Leavy , of Westinghouse Group W News .
6 It amused him to see how the gullible idiot deferred to him , even when they were in the midst of a vicious argument .
7 ‘ My earliest memory of my father is of him galloping down a field ; my last is of him reaching out to me like a helpless kitten ’
8 There was a warmth and a charm about him that made for easy relations with most people , even the press , and they helped him build up the confidence that was needed all round .
9 A person who is allowed to enter one part of a building only , will become a trespasser if he enters another part " When you invite a person into your house to use the stairs you do not invite him to slide down the bannisters " ( The Calgarth [ 1927 ] P 93 per Scrutton LJ ) .
10 Even there it would seem that he was known because a woman came to him and asked him to drive out an unclean spirit from her daughter .
11 From the corner of her eye , she watched him pick up the first coil of rope .
12 The tide had risen a foot above the usual high water mark , and when they came to cut him free in the morning , they found him hanging on the outer wall — drowned .
13 The sight of him hanging on the Cross — are we really supposed to worship that , defeat and death ?
14 Brian came home because Daddy could n't stand the thought of him hanging off a cliff .
15 Mr Biermann , who is visiting his mother at her home in Elton Road , wrote the books to rebuild his life after a stroke in 1989 left him paralysed down the right hand side of his body .
16 Leith swallowed hard , and knew , before the weakness of loving him , the weakness of wanting him battered down the rest of her defences , small though those defences were , that she had to appeal to that in him which she somehow knew would make him hate himself if he took her .
17 He 'd watch him dance around the room emitting stifled screams .
18 You have to get him wound down a bit , you have to do it , you know of a about half an hour or so ask him for the proper name !
19 Patrick 's identification of the body enabled him to write out a death certificate , which he handed to PC Bartholomew with a note of the other details .
20 She almost begged him to write out the cheque .
21 However , she seemed to have forgotten all about it , because she told him to pull up a chair and warm himself by the fire .
22 Churchill 's ‘ overlords ’ certainly enabled him to slim down the Cabinet to sixteen members .
23 ‘ To see him driving around a track at 65mph is an incredible sight .
24 In 1980 , Allan Wells took six months off work to enable him to train twice a day .
25 Nor is it any more than the incidental music to a play that captured the composer 's imagination and inspired him to conjure up the ‘ goings on in the Magicked Athenian wood ’ .
26 Gielgud gave him another chance , asked him to come back the next day and do it again .
27 So he hired a lorry , bribed the demolition men to let him cart away the finest doorcases , moulded corner cupboards , cornices and chimney pieces and stored them in a London County Council Historic Buildings warehouse at his own expense .
28 He says the year and a half he 's spent in America has helped him grow up a little .
29 A new car , a Porsche , showing off to friends , laughing , not really concentrating — The accident should have made him grow up a little .
30 You could hear him shouting down the telephone halfway down the road .
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