Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Carrie 's bruvver Danny was a good boxer , ’ he went on amiably. ‘ 'E used ter box in the army .
2 'E told me they was askin' after somebody 'e used ter know .
3 We 're the best meal place round 'ere , an' after all 'e used ter call in all the time when 'e 'ad that ovver job , ’ Carrie reminded him .
4 All 'e wants ter do is open up a gym club fer the local lads .
5 Well , ter cut a long story short 'e ends up tellin' me that the last bloke was put off fer losin' too much time an' I might be a bad time-keeper as well , what wiv me injuries .
6 'E gets ter know all the business round this area .
7 'E looked like an Italian but 'e did n't speak like they do .
8 What did 'e buy it for if 'e did n't want it ?
9 ‘ What 's more , Joe Wallace was so pissed that night 'e did n't 'ave an inklin' who 'e was talkin' to or what pub 'e was in for that matter , so there 's no come-back from 'im at least .
10 ‘ What a bleedin' cheek , we ai n't got no valuables , ’ said Mr Beavis , ‘ 'e did n't treat yer rough , did 'e ? ’
11 ‘ I was glad 'e did n't get that site where our Carrie 's got 'er cafe , ’ she remarked .
12 'E did n't say , but 'e wo n't want you nosin' around 'is room-'ere , come back 'ere . ’
13 'E did n't like me .
14 ‘ There y'are , Sergeant Joe , ’ she said , ‘ 'e ca n't slip yer now , only watch 'e do n't wriggle out through the keyhole .
15 Mind , I ai n't sayin' 'e do n't 'ave 'is good points , nor that 'e do n't come up with a cuddle and a present sometimes .
16 ‘ Well , y'know , Else always was one for washing , she gets it from me , but Sidney , 'e do n't go in for baths much , well men do n't , do they ?
17 'E 's a man wivout pity an' 'e do n't care who 'e steps on ter get what 'e wants .
18 Mind , I ai n't sayin' 'e do n't 'ave 'is good points , nor that 'e do n't come up with a cuddle and a present sometimes .
19 ‘ Pity 'e do n't spend a bit more on these 'ouses , ’ Florrie remarked acidly .
20 Well , a bloke ca n't , can 'e , unless 'e do n't mind the 'igh jump .
21 Trouble wiv Billy is , 'e do n't see no wrong in anybody .
22 ‘ Oh , 'e do n't believe in tin clocks , only in 'is pocket watch , ’ said Mrs Goodbody .
23 But 'e do n't listen . ’
24 Mind yer , 'e likes ter give me the best , does my 'Arold . ’
25 ‘ My ole man come 'ome pissed last night an' said 'e wanted ter listen ter a bit o' music . ’
26 The coppers asked 'im if 'e wanted ter press charges but 'e said no .
27 It is likely that John was responsible for rebuilding the keep of Durham Castle , and the Crown in 1378 appointed him to carry out works at the castles of Carlisle and Roxburgh , the latter in Scotland but held by the English from 1346 until 1460 .
28 Augustus Melmotte , the rich entrepreneur hero of the book , feared his debts would not allow him to go on living anywhere , and killed himself .
29 He simply wanted him to go on sitting there .
30 When they lock the man up with Jim and John and Henry and Mary and Dolores and Grace — I hope they will give him access to books , with paper enough for him to go on making translations for us from the classics such as we have never seen except at his hands in our language .
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