Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] time " in BNC.

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1 Many visitors to him made his time more bearable , most famous visitor was Princess Diana ( yes , the real one ! ) , but his close friends were always made most welcome by Sylvia who lavished all the love and care that ones who knew her would expect .
2 All we had to do was to pay the expense of the helicopter that brought him in because at that time he was appearing at the Prince of Wales and it was a matter of him fitting his time in with his performances , you see ?
3 Some methods avoid native language explanations altogether on the grounds that such explanations can only be abstract and confusing to the learner , and that they make him spend his time not so much in learning the language but rather in learning about the language ( Mackey 1965 p 240 ) .
4 He remembered her as a woman who liked him to take his time .
5 ‘ We have told him to take his time before deciding who to plump for , ’ he added .
6 Throughout the '70s and '80s he divided his time between being a minister , a gospel musician and a guitar-maker .
7 He divided his time between Stainford and London , where he lived next to Dyers ' Hall at Thames Street .
8 He divided his time between his houses in London and Streatley and a villa in the South of France .
9 Until June last year he divided his time between his home in Thornaby and the Newcastle HQ of the Northern Regional Councils ' Association .
10 He was lazy , he wasted his time , he was an ugly , pale little boy with a permanently running nose .
11 Evil may have intelligence , but the Devil 's strategies against the church are not , it seems to me , to be understood as rational military strategies , rather they are more like desperate and increasingly vicious attacks ( does he know his time is short ? ) .
12 In Paris he found that the lecturers did not as in Edinburgh confine themselves to one hour , but generally took an hour and a half or two hours ; but he found his time there very valuable .
13 He devoted his time to the completion of the mansion and pleasure gardens at Alton Towers begun by his uncle , who had made the place his home .
14 A two-acre garden surrounded the house , and here he devoted his time to horticultural experiments , among them the one that produced the apple bearing his name , Cox 's Orange Pippin .
15 Thereafter during the 1820s and 1830s he greatly expanded the firm 's architectural side — following his father 's death in 1827 he devoted his time entirely to architecture , leaving the management of the marble works to his younger brother Francis — and established a substantial practice in the north-west and the adjacent parts of Yorkshire .
16 He joined the Young Communist League , and although he did attend lectures , he used his time in London as an opportunity to deepen his commitment to the abolition of poverty by establishing communism in England .
17 He says its time Henley was given a break .
18 He did not discuss his ordeal with Ranulf or the Prior , although he told them time and again that all was well and let them order his life , content to drift , think and reflect .
19 He told them time was running out , but it is clear Milosevic , boosted by his recent election victory , is determined to spread the war and his power .
20 He invests his time arid effort as well as money in getting the best people and getting the best from them , in getting the best equipment and getting the best from it .
21 Look at Elvis , he had everything that a man could desire , looks , talent , wealth — but after he 'd eaten all the cheeseburgers he could swallow , when he got bored chasing young girls in white panties , how did he spend his time ?
22 Kersey looked at Wycliffe , expecting some question or comment and when none came he went on : ‘ So where did he spend his time after lunch each Sunday ? ’
23 He bided his time until there was an opportunity to seek her out .
24 Stalin was usually cautious and calculating in his foreign policy and if he bided his time , Korea would almost certainly fall into the Soviet orbit .
25 He spent his time putting down on odd scraps of vellum his different thoughts on what he had learnt over the past few weeks .
26 He spent his time looking for a Jewish homeland that was not Palestine .
27 Because he was so far ahead in his first year , he spent his time on other things .
28 That he very rarely said he loved you rang a warning bell , as did the fact that you appeared to think he spent his time alone if he was n't with you .
29 He spent his time in bed , lying on his left side as it was the only position in which the pain was slightly eased .
30 His weight increased as he spent his time at the club in conversation , and occasionally at Lord 's for matches and dinner gatherings .
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