Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 That Arthur 'ad stopped at a pub on 'is way to the church , 'e said 'e needed fortifyin' , and 'im and 'is best man both went in the pub an' stayed there a lot longer than they should of .
2 ‘ E asked me to describe yer , which I did , thinkin' maybe 'e was goin' to tell yer you 'd come into some money , but 'e said you 'd taken in a young woman , that the pair of you 'ad nicked 'is wallet an' made off with it .
3 But he had paid part of that apothecary 's bill that very morning , and the attorney to whom the bailiff took him agreed there had been a mistake .
4 Why not let him think he 'd won the argument ?
5 More recently his attempt to damp down the fires of the Rushdie controversy , A Satanic Affair : Salman Rushdie and The Rage of Islam , infuriated both Muslim militants and some of Rushdie 's friends , which makes him think he got the balance about right .
6 What made him think she 'd visited the palazzo before ?
7 She wondered what made him think she desired a flogging .
8 I was better at maths and science and practical things — you only had to show him a lathe in the metal workshop for him to pretend he had a fainting fit but when he wanted to beat me , he beat me .
9 Staff there pursuaded him to report what had happened .
10 Staff there pursuaded him to report what had happened .
11 Jason denies saying it ; the freelance journalist who interviewed him insists he did .
12 Those who remember him say he had an uncanny knack of being instantly able to visualise a course even over rough ground or farmland .
13 ‘ Mr Jacobsen , ’ she forced herself to speak slowly and calmly , refusing to let him know he 'd just lit a tinder within her , ‘ it may have escaped your notice that you were not the only member of the cast — come to that , you were n't the only male , either .
14 A few folk went to his place before sunrise yesterday , just to let him know he had better have no hand in the lists .
15 Luke Calder 's presence at the station was a fact of life , and she had to learn how to handle it or give up her job , and pride would never allow her to do that and let him know he had won .
16 He hated and desired her , but she could n't let him know she saw the desire .
17 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
18 When friends tried to stop him driving he fell and sustained fatal head injuries .
19 If it might benefit Kirsty for him to know what had really happened between herself and Ryan , would she be justified in breaking her promise ?
20 It made him feel he wanted to punish the crowd and fired him to say , ‘ If this is what they think of me and what they think of Jacklin , I 'll make sure he never finishes in front of me again . ’
21 Oh no , why did n't you say to him look I thought I was allowed to see er like
22 Oh , I said to him look I said she obviously a person that takes no notice , but she lives out in the country .
23 tongued and grooved or , or something pine for the kitchen wall , do it , pay it , forget it right , so , I mean I do n't know what wood I mean we 'd have , we 'd have to see it , but I said to him look I said something 's got ta be done , so I said to him shall we get Gary or somebody similar to do some Artexing in here and he said well with the coal fire and all that he said it 'll , it 'll get dirty
24 There were a thousand uses for Herrick 's implants , but most would be used as they had on Haavikko — to make a man vulnerable by making him believe he had done something when he had n't .
25 Trevor Spanswick walked into the Centurion pub in Overfields , Middlesbrough , to talk to a friend five days after the ban but when landlord Eric Curren told him to leave he threatened he would go and get a hammer .
26 But another look at her face , just blankly polite , made him decide he had imagined the irony .
27 He had skilfully evaded Margie 's questions , moving on to talk instead about Kurt Eklund , the financial genius he had hired after Greg 's death to help him avoid what had seemed at the time almost certain ruin .
28 She had allowed him to dictate what happened , yet now she wanted more .
29 Yeah I know it 's easier no you must feel really gutted , I mean I would I know , because as you said , you going out for ten months yeah exactly , yeah , exactly I mean come on you really liked him fancied him loved him oh wow , I said love , love love , I do n't know love hey man yeah yeah it 's probably , you know like when you dumped him for Danny it 's just probably like that yeah exactly exactly , so do n't worry oh come on he ca n't give up ten months for nothing I know it has to end someday , but it does n't I mean it 's like everyone thinks like that , it really annoys me , everybody , right who 's about our age yeah , they just go out with someone knowing that one day it 's gon na end , they 're just waiting for the day , and that you know , you should go out with someone with the intentions of being with them forever I know that sounds pathetic , but it 's true , yeah I know , yeah exactly yeah , yeah I know , why do you think I said it ?
30 ‘ I left him examining what appeared to be the remains of a cemetery .
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