Example sentences of "for [pers pn] from the " in BNC.

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1 The reappearance , first and most immediately , of Eanfrith and subsequently of Oswald in Bernician territory at so crucial a moment in the history of the northern Angles could imply military assistance for them from the Picts or the Scots or both and even perhaps a certain ability to act in concert with the British king , Cadwallon .
2 However , since Brezhnev 's proposals for the Gulf were linked to the broader issue of the Indian Ocean ‘ zone of peace ’ Soviet officials still made an effort to gain support for them from the Indian Ocean Third World states and the non-aligned nations in general .
3 It is time he responded and paid compensation to those farmers , and allowed them to get on with earning their livelihood , instead of telling them that there is nothing for them from the Ministry of Agriculture .
4 No , there 's no problem , I 'm just like , saying that , they sound really thick , they 're rubbish at being in a band , and it 's just all so down-hill for them from the beginning , really , they did n't really have a chance , did they .
5 ‘ They were on the look-out for a female DJ so everyone was very up for me from the word go .
6 Warhol was utterly and completely worthless for me from the word go , something in the history of fashion perhaps but nothing to do with art whatsoever .
7 He said he had a message for me from the Duke of Strelsau .
8 ‘ Something about this entire operation never rang true for me from the start .
9 But Sally was so good , Luckily I 'd remembered to pack the Farley 's Rusks and she had those mixed up with boiled water the guard got for me from the restaurant car . ’
10 What I 'd really like , of course , is not to have to bother with lugging kilo bags of sugar and tins of weedkiller back from the town to stuff into electrical-conduit piping which Jamie the dwarf gets for me from the building contractor 's where he works in Porteneil .
11 So unless er anyone has any direct questions for me from the meeting erm
12 ‘ I think when you go back to your desk you will find a letter waiting for you from the Commissioner .
13 What rake off for you from the cemeteries ?
14 Shall I arrange a taxi for you from the station ?
15 The beep in the earpiece is when you 're on the phone , either to somebody within the press , or outside the press , and another call comes through for you from the switchboard , and you 're engaged , obviously , and so they camp onto your extension number , and you receive a beep in the earpiece , now you can speak to these people if you key in R star 1 .
16 The England that Pound mourns the loss of is , as it had been for him from the first , an integral province of western Europe , sharing a common culture with France and always reaching out , through France , to the shores of the Mediterranean .
17 In 1696 Lowther of Lowther , tired of contesting elections , employed his cousin to seek a viscountcy for him from the king .
18 I glanced at my watch , found I had forgotten to adjust it and read the time for him from the digital clock at the base of the instrument panel .
19 Huy had returned to his house in order to work out a way of getting into the brothel known by the impious name of the Glory of Set — Nebamun had been right , he found that he simply could not let the whole thing drop , and now there was a friend 's death to be avenged — when the message had come for him from the palace compound .
20 He had adopted his slighting manner , he knew , to protect himself from the attraction which she had possessed for him from the first moment that he had seen her .
21 He 'd been over the limit , they 'd said , when he 'd crashed his BMW , and there could have been no sympathy whatsoever for him from the relatives of the woman killed in the other car .
22 The nursing home to which her husband has her committed after her eccentricity has become dangerous , and from which she and the other residents are eventually ejected to be cared for by an amorphous ‘ community ’ , might have been lying in wait for her from the day she was born .
23 Because she had spent so much of her teenage by herself , she had found plenty of time to read the newspapers and the books Patsy would bring home from school , or take out for her from the school library .
24 While Mr David Waddington does not intend to use his office to promote capital punishment , and will maintain the tradition of a free vote for MPs , his intervention in a renewed debate would provide the most passionate support for it from the Government front bench since it was abolished in 1965 .
25 Much of this he was to achieve , though he received little thanks for it from the Parisians who , in large part , remained hostile to the regime .
26 They ate well , but she got little thanks for it from the mistress of the hut .
27 ‘ In the one-day game you have to be positive and go for it from the word go .
28 We choose the most likely meaning for it from the text .
29 We choose the most likely meaning for it from the world , and in this case the meaning is contextual .
30 It can be seen from this that although David Barclay senior was not ‘ the founder of Barclays Bank ’ as he has sometimes been named , his sons James , David , and John were important early partners in the bank , and the mercantile fortune he had built up an important source of capital for it from the 1770s .
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