Example sentences of "for [pers pn] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Women are disrupted in their worship by the masculinity of the religion to the point that it ceases to be for them a vehicle through which they can love God .
2 After a week of caring for them a bond had been formed .
3 For them a build-up of the primary manifestations of commuters ' syndrome — tertiary dandruff and pyorrhoea of the gums — is regarded as being just a little bit natty .
4 Yet for them a description of the full circumstances of a misfortune or disaster is not sufficient in itself .
5 For them a progress of this kind might be acceptable , at least to some extent , in the army .
6 The annual demands to bring back the rope , the murmurings about repatriating immigrants , the calls to purge the nation of social welfare scroungers , were for them a sojourn in purgatory .
7 The knights met the Council at Lincoln in July 1316 , and the king 's officers drew up for them a list of ‘ divers errors ’ contained in the perambulations of 1300 .
8 They were shown round by a Père Obein whose calm wisdom and urbanity so impressed them that he remained for them a touchstone of good sense .
9 Rather it is for them a process of , existence that has to be daily achieved by individuals through work , that is through the individual mastery over emotions and the skills of wizardry .
10 For them a week in a tent is the same as six weeks . ’
11 Maybe when they come to perform to each other that is for them a time for evaluation and assessment , and I consciously make it one , because it 's important when they produce , when they perform their music they really bare their souls .
12 It was for me a phantom of literary delight ; a name , though less euphonious , almost as evocative as Samarkand , Trebizond or Persepolis .
13 JACK CHARLTON ( Leeds and England 1952–72 ) : ‘ I think he summed it up for me a couple of years ago when they questioned him being an Englishman in charge of the Irish team .
14 The university opened up for me a freedom I never knew existed .
15 Once there was a couple of girls who had had their babies and they 'd say to you , " Change the baby for us while I run upstairs and get so-and-so " or " Will you feed the baby for me a minute ? " or " Can you make up some feeds ? "
16 If I were to ask a school-teacher to choose for me a sample which she considered to be a fair cross-section of her pupils so that I could interview them for a survey , there would almost certainly be a personal bias in the sample given to me .
17 For me a town was a mysterious , rather forbidding place and I was afraid that I would feel very much alone .
18 Maintain 'd for me a saving intercourse
19 ‘ Indeed , writing the novel ( Nice Work ) was for me a process of discovery — of hitherto unknown aspects of the city in which I had lived for nearly thirty years . ’
20 they are required to do five hours work for you a day
21 Now , if you 've got the odd spare weekend , a boat and £55,000 to spend , we may have found just the thing for you a fantasy island all of your own , and it 's up for sale right here in the heart of the Central South region .
22 He has a hard-on for you a yard long . "
23 ‘ I was in the estate office waiting for you a couple of weeks ago and this firm rang .
24 No , and somewhere or other I have got for you a copy of the long string the long you know ?
25 Though Coleridge continued at the King 's School for several months , delighting his mother by pointing out the new master 's faulty knowledge of grammar , in April 1782 Francis Buller , a family friend and later an eminent judge , obtained for him a presentation to Christ 's Hospital in London ( the Blue Coat School ) , ‘ there to be educated , and brought up among other poor children ’ .
26 Not for him a trip to the cinema , or a visit to the local zoo .
27 The tale begins with a retarded youth , Robin , whose mother succeeds in arranging for him a marriage with a beautiful young woman , Mahaut .
28 And he demands that I create for him a mate , a gigantic Eve to give him solace . ’
29 The Colonel elaborated on the straightforward business of the reference section of the Ministry preparing for him a dossier on the British nuclear weapons programme .
30 For him a class was about life chances and included dimensions other than the ownership and non-ownership of the means of production .
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