Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If a child is aged under 2 then any provision which is made for him/her by the LEA is stated to be special educational provision ; in the case of a child aged 2 or over it is ‘ educational provision which is additional to , or otherwise different from , the educational provision made generally for children of that age in schools maintained by the LEA ’ .
2 We are interested and associated but not absorbed and should European statesmen address us in the words which were used of old — Shall we speak for thee to the king or captain of the host ? ' — we should reply , Nay sir , for we dwell among our own people' ’ .
3 The emigrants ' discomfort was aggravated by tantalising radio reports of the steaming soup tureens , hot water and clean clothes waiting for them at the reception centre in Hof , West Germany .
4 Two species can be viewed in our special facility for them at the park — the Indian Fruit Bat , which inhabits the rain forests and the smaller Egyptian Fruit Bat which prefers to roost in large colonies in open caves and buildings .
5 ‘ After having been a teacher in my past , my best answer is this : kids always seem to want to learn stuff that 's way to hard for them at the time .
6 There would be no tall good-looking man waiting for them at the Secret Cove and , once there , she found the Place was , indeed , deserted .
7 The gardener was waiting for them at the front door .
8 Various local councillors and moral guardians were waiting for them at the venue , having read local press reports that the Fabs ' travelling show included a rather racy striptease revue .
9 Women have no say in their marriages : often they are married when still babies , or at least by the age of five in a group ceremonial marriage , for youths , held for them at the close of their bachelor hut initiation period .
10 Unfortunately we did n't have room to include the complete rules for war machines and chariots as they appear in the Warhammer rulebook , but you will find a summary for them at the end of the War Machines section .
11 Brussels sprouts , baked potatoes , grated cheese , the variation of vegetables in the summer , a tin of vegetarian steak pudding on Sundays and a piece of fruit afterwards is a monotonous but healthy diet , and I ca n't think of many cheaper ways to feed two children and feel you 're doing your best for them at the same time .
12 They found their parents waiting for them at the top of a wide terrace of marble steps , and the governor 's aide-de-camp conducted them to the reception through a series of lofty , marble-floored chambers forty feet high .
13 The Handbook of Over-the-Counter Medicines compiled by Mike Smith ( Kyle Cathie , £6.99 ) lists all sorts of nasty afflictions , from acne to worms , and what you can buy for them at the chemist 's .
14 Oliver and Tim were waiting for them at the gangway .
15 And the stronger they were , the worse it was for them at the end of the picture .
16 Yeah , and I do n't now but i I mean I 'm certainly in two I 've been since there 's people who 've referred to the fact that they do n't have those members of staff working for them at the optimum days ,
17 ‘ ( 1 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods less than he contracted to sell , the buyer may reject them , but if the buyer accepts the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate .
18 ( 3 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods larger than he contracted to sell and the buyer accepts the whole of the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate .
19 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
20 They hardly expected to see the BMW waiting for them at the dockside , but after they had parked the car and got the ticket , they began to look at their watches , and each other .
21 We w er we would , we would only need to pay for them at the rate where they lived .
22 To Sophie 's and Helen 's surprise , Ian Woodall , looking anxious and drawn , was waiting for them at the hospital .
23 ‘ Whether there will be any jobs for them at the end of the day is too early to say but at least they will be getting quality training which can be a kick-start in life . ’
24 The voting er you voted for them at the delegate meeting and I think it was the six top six highest in the vote became the standing orders .
25 And a super venue for them at the Town Hall
26 She clattered with the grids , rather excessively he thought , twisting round to reach for them beyond the bowl of soapy water .
27 The idea was that the private sector would build and finance a number of roads and the department would pay a rent for them on the basis of how much traffic used them .
28 Performance of that order behind a BMW badge could shake a few prejudices , but these high-fliers may not be available in right-hand drive form until next year because of the demand for them on the Continent .
29 In short , Labour and the Liberal Democrats will have the argument won for them on the ground — and as long as they locate their policies in terms of wealth creation , rather than punitive redistribution , the current election election result has given them a platform from which effectively to challenge for power next time round .
30 Actual guides were waiting for them on the Scots side , from the Graham tower , producing a grim smile from Douglas , for one of his principal headaches as Keeper of Liddesdale was apt to be the inroads and cross-border raiding of these same Grahams , Kirkandrews prominent .
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