Example sentences of "for [art] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 It was Osman 's father Mohamed who had returned in his car for the clothes for Mrs Zamzam 's children just before Um Al-Farajh was finally abandoned by the Palestinian Arabs in 1948 .
2 Whitelaw , concerned as ever to be the mediator , strove to find a middle way between Heseltine and those who did not want a penny extra for the cities for fear of being seen to reward rioters .
3 In the ex-French territories of North Africa the sudden removal of Frenchmen from all senior and technical posts caused severe problems for the railways for a period after independence .
4 We had a basic training for , for the , for the arms for weapons drill and erm , course none of us had ever er had a rifle in our hands until this , never mind fired one .
5 Mr Dalyell also asked whether work on controls over radioactive emissions , particularly at Aldermaston , Amersham and Burghfield , was being hampered , and for the reasons for the recruitment difficulties .
6 Wiping her tears with the corner of her apron and clutching the baby to her she searched for the reasons for this volte-face .
7 As for the reasons for the shortfall , the department says that research officers as a matter of course over-estimate spending at the start of a financial year .
8 Look for the reasons for his behaviour .
9 ( 4 ) Subsection ( 3 ) above does not apply where a society or associated body is authorised by the scheme to relieve itself of its obligation to take the steps it is directed to take or pay the compensation awarded by the society 's undertaking an obligation to give the requisite publicity for the reasons for not doing so and the society undertakes that obligation .
10 These are globally averaged values of altitude variations , the zero of altitude being taken at a pressure of 1 bar : see section 3.3.1 for the reasons for which a pressure value is an appropriate choice of zero for altitude .
11 If one were looking for the reasons for the present situation , does my right hon. Friend agree that it has been the departure of the building societies and other lenders from the traditional concept of not lending more than 75 per cent .
12 These fundamental differences in the explanations of Brown and Harris and those of Henderson and his colleagues about the role of social support in the aetiology of depression have prompted a search for the reasons for their discrepant findings .
13 Secondly , it was not infrequently commented that exceptional circumstances should be taken into account before a visit was ordered ( for example , checking with the accountant for the reasons for the delay ) .
14 This letter is to let you know our intent subject to contract to draw up a publishing agreement for the components for the Central News I and II videos .
15 This letter is to let you know our intent subject to contract to draw up a publishing agreement for the components for the Central News I and II videos .
16 I am writing to confirm the arrangements surrounding your preparation of scripts for the components for the Central News I and II videos .
17 However , ‘ crime fighting ’ is not the sole task of the section police in Easton , for the calls for assistance to which they respond vary considerably in nature .
18 Padraig Flynn , the Irish Environment Minister , called for the closure of the nuclear reprocessing plant at Sellafield , on the north-west coast of England , and Norway , Sweden and Denmark called for the plans for another such plant at Dounreay in Scotland be cancelled .
19 Almost any substantial group of buildings with perhaps a shop , or village hall is today called a village and this leads to great confusion , both for researchers looking at earlier arrangements , and for the inhabitants for whom finer definitions are not needed .
20 These changes have considerable implications for the criteria for social work intervention in the lives of families and for the nature of public child care provision .
21 As for the criteria for granting postgraduate awards , postgraduate study and research are academically demanding and candidates should be selected by competition to ensure that the resources available are used as effectively as possible .
22 Mr Lear also put his energy into encouraging young people to enjoy the outdoors and was a commissioner for the scouts for a number of years .
23 Two of Japan 's three private satellite communications companies will probably merge to avoid excess competition against each other , Reuter reports from Tokyo , quoting a spokesman for Japan Communications Satellite Co Inc : he said that C Itoh & Co and Mitsui & Co Ltd , major shareholders in his company , have been negotiating for the merger with Nissho Iwai Corp and Sumitomo Corp , main shareholders of Satellite Japan Corp since last year because of falling orders for the services for the two groups ; Hughes Communications Co Ltd is expected to take the opportunity to sell its 30% in stake in Japan Communications Satellite and withdraw from Japan 's communications market .
24 I forgot to remind you to call at Bollard 's farm for the ducks for Thursday .
25 Erm I am confident that Eurofighter are grasping the thorny problem now in a very businesslike way and er are making the individual partner companies fully accountable for the systems for which they have design responsibility and this again is a aspect of the renegotiation of the contract which we think is very important and we 're determined that er this will happen .
26 He was in fact an employee rather than an independent agent and had worked for the defendants for 17 years .
27 1 The drills used are ill-designed or unsuitable in some respects for the learners for whom they are intended .
28 Do you have a strong logo and make consistent use of a particular style of print for the headings for all school correspondence ?
29 In the past 40 years in Germany , France and Switzerland , and in lesser measure in Austria and Scandinavia , the provision of outside workers for the tasks for which indigenous labourers are no longer available has been both accepted and highly organised .
30 Head for the roller-coasters for a spine-chilling ride .
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