Example sentences of "for [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 By studying a group of people for whom such lifestyle advice is particularly relevant ( those with non-insulin dependent diabetes ) we intend to develop a better understanding of how such advice is received .
32 For every Cardinal Newman there are hundreds for whom such words might be better described as egotism or pig-headedness .
33 Finally , unless selective assessments are properly evaluated there is no guarantee that they are correctly selecting those for whom existing provision is intended .
34 In addition , we also announced a general SVQ at level I and awards to facilitate access to the SVQ/general SVQ frameworks for those for whom mainstream training is not appropriate , including those with special needs .
35 During the consultation process , we discovered considerable support for a general SVQ at level I. There is also a clear demand for awards at a preliminary level which will open up the SVQ and general SVQ frameworks to those for whom mainstream training is not appropriate , including those with special needs .
36 Should only be offered to women for whom other methods are unsuitable .
37 There may be some local discomfort following the first ever sexual intercourse related to the tearing of the hymen , but honeymoon cystitis as often crops up in women who are sexually experienced for whom other explanations must be sought .
38 ‘ If the Certificate of Primary Education tested material which was firmly within the grasp of primary school teachers : if it tested the ability to re–son and understand relationships of cause and effect ; and , if , above all , it tested relevant and practical knowledge , it would be at the same time both a more efficient and equitable instrument for selecting secondary school entrants and also a more useful preparation for those for whom primary education is terminal .
39 Everyone , it seemed , was doing well out of the erosion of the 1878 settlement except the Russians , for whom that settlement had been a defeat in the first place .
40 It would appear that differences between action and control samples are masked by the fact that the action samples contain people who need little or no input from the Home Support Project in order to remain at home , as well as a few for whom that input is crucial .
41 This is important to those involved with it , for whom that engagement is only part of a continuing career pattern .
42 new sectoral relations of exploitation ( in which a relatively large number of people exploit an increasingly marginalized minority for whom collective provision remains the only and strictly second best , option ) .
43 With them came a small retinue of mainland filing clerks , bodyguards , etc. for whom well-furnished houses and flats were also purchased .
44 The first two groups are those for whom preventive intervention may turn out to be justified .
45 The waiting times for NHS appointments varied between 2 weeks ( for those patients for whom urgent appointments were requested ) and 21 weeks , with a mean of 13 weeks .
46 By the late thirteenth century , those for whom landed income was the chief source of revenue faced an uncertain future .
47 was recognising that there are classes of sureties for whom special protection should be given , that the case fell within the class , but that , on the facts , the creditor had done enough to prevent any equitable intervention in aid of the surety .
48 Meanwhile , the relatively few persons for whom special knowledge and training are reserved are freed so far as possible from the obligations of simple labour ’ ( Braverman , 1974 , pp. 82–3 ) .
49 Her conclusion was that 20.6 of the children were of high intelligence for whom special provision should be made in central or secondary schools .
50 Under Section 11 of the 1966 Local Government Act , local authorities can apply to the Home Office for 75% of the costs of employing extra staff for educational ( and other ) purposes in areas with large numbers of Commonwealth immigrants for whom special provision is required because of differences in languages or customs .
51 Thus she ties together of the reduction of class inequality and the reduction of segregation of those children for whom special education is assumed to cater .
52 A Corporate Finance Engagement Letter should be obtained from every client for whom corporate finance activities are to be undertaken prior to the first engagement .
53 Almost any substantial group of buildings with perhaps a shop , or village hall is today called a village and this leads to great confusion , both for researchers looking at earlier arrangements , and for the inhabitants for whom finer definitions are not needed .
54 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
55 Of the 37 cases and 196 controls for whom obstetric notes were retrieved , 34 ( 92% ) cases and 140 ( 71% ) controls were interviewed and are included in both analyses .
56 Is it the fault of an overburdened teaching force , for whom full time class teaching is the norm ?
57 Another factor was the legendary cautiousness of Franco , for whom slow progress and sure gains were always to be preferred to unnecessary risks .
58 It will often be appreciated by a client for whom sexual difficulty exists but who is uncertain how to raise the matter personally .
59 It also resembles the strategy of the early modern female cross-dresser for whom sexual difference was not derived from natural and divine law , but produced by ‘ custom ’ , that is , culture .
60 They accounted for 80% of the prenatal diagnoses in mothers under 35 and 25% of such diagnoses in older women , for whom maternal age is still the most common indication although in these the use of serum screening is increasing .
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