Example sentences of "i 've go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 fucking er it was like that but they ai n't just do n't go and get very close to the like that So I 've gone up under arch of the wheel got my like that right state I got in !
2 no Bev 's flown but when I 've gone up with her
3 Fucking shit , so I 've got up fucking like this all the way round and I 've do , I 've gone round
4 In fact , Paul Hogan does n't know what I 've gone through for him .
5 You 'll never know the torture I 've gone through because I 've loved you so .
6 They had a lot of capital payments also and we have as it were the erm , the P & O element er , with B Sky B which is the erm , the items I 've gone through .
7 Now just going on products , off the compost plant for the last six months , I 've gone through , I 've taken I 've noted down the number of samples taken , each month by month .
8 Aye , because I 've , I 've gone on for weeks with it , you
9 , he 's probably widdleing nothing , poor that was n't worth sitting down for , no to think that once I 've gone on , which I did on Friday , I 'm now on my way out the other end
10 I 've gone on to decaffeinated coffee I do drink decaffeinated
11 I 've gone over and over that kiss in my mind and come to the conclusion that it was the kind of exuberant gesture that footballers bestow on goal-scorers .
12 You know I 've had it happen the lights have changed just as I 've been crossing them so I 've gone over and three cars immediately behind me have followed me .
13 Have I gone I 've gone over slightly have I ?
14 Taylor said enthusiastically : ‘ After the win against Turkey , it was the first time since I 've been England manager that I 've gone back into the dressing room and felt the emotions I did as a club manager .
15 I done them and then I 've took them down and I 've gone back .
16 So when I did n't receive any further communication , I 've gone back to them and asked them whether they would be interested in reducing the price , cos we consider it to be too high for that one acre of land .
17 Think I 've gone off with someone else .
18 It always looks as if I 've gone along with a sort of scalpel at the bottom of the letters as well , a sort of shaved off
19 I 've gone out with people just because they 've got a high status in their job .
20 But if any of the women folks which I 've gone out with a a bowl of soup to him many a time .
21 ‘ Tell Hugo I 've gone out , will you ?
22 ‘ Because New York were giving me hell about employing you and I 've gone out on a limb .
23 And , I 've gone out , it was n't that was hacking my fence mind , erm , it was another boy , I did n't know him with a , and I went out and I , I and he said , I was n't .
24 and I bought her but when I came out the loo he is playing with the bus going wheeee , he was having a great time with that , I looked at him and I said got to give that to Charlotte , no , no , I do n't like it I want the house , meaning the garage , so I 've gone out now and bought her a circus
25 So I 've gone out there with the spare keys , got the keys out tossed them in me pocket , gone back indoors
26 I wonder if it 's that one up beside Asda because when I 've gone in before she 's said to me you know if you rang them through I 'd have them ready for you or
27 But ah , I 've gone in and opened it , it stinks .
28 Yes , Aunt Sarah , and since then I 've remembered my mother 's name , and the spell she put on me when I was a baby ; and I 've gone down to see her in her Castle under the sea …
29 I 've gone down to one egg in me freezer
30 So I 've to go on
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