Example sentences of "i could [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've 27 turned out at home and I could bring any of them in for all weather racing at any time .
2 We agreed on the use of Gordon Ingles for another commercial film and Leon suggested I could make any necessary further contact on such matters directly with Hellen who was apparently designing film sets , writing scripts and sometimes directing Shelly productions .
3 ‘ Sometimes I think I could make any man fancy me , ’ she told Chat magazine .
4 This could be due in part to the fact that the only guitars I could draw any parallels with , in terms of appearance , were the infamous Jedsons of the late '60s and early '70s , guitars which many of us have nightmares about even now .
5 also , I was able to work at the painting knowing I could obliterate any unwanted areas ; this gave me the freedom I needed .
6 You see , I could do any sum in my head that Rebecca Salmon had to write out in longhand ; it used to drive her potty .
7 Perhaps I should have formed a better plan ; perhaps I should have made instead for the Villa Diodati , to see if I could secure any friends and allies there .
8 It certainly was the last point that I understood ; I remember lying awake thinking about it , seeing that I could move any four edges into the working locations and realising that this completed the general method for restoring the cube to its original state .
9 In May 1983 the head first introduced the appraisal at a meeting of senior staff and I attended this meeting so that the research project could be explained and I could answer any questions staff might have .
10 One such person was John Curran , a producer at ITN , who had already demonstrated his kindness by giving me an answering machine so that I could screen any calls from the press .
11 In late 1976 , Radio Telefis Eireann , the Irish state television service , decided to produce a documentary on Lebanon and asked me if I could locate any films that depicted the country in the days of peace .
12 I do n't think I could stand any more Hatherby nonsense . ’
13 My Heart bleeds to see the Concern he is in ; and it would be the utmost Satisfaction to me , if I could hope any thing of mine could contribute to his comfortable Subsistence in his old Age : I therefore beg of you to take the Key of my Buroe ; and if any thing is to be made of my poor Papers , that you will , for my sake , endeavour to promote a Subscription for his Benefit , which you so kindly have propos 'd for mine
14 Sure , I could adapt any song and get away with it , but I ca n't say I 'd be as satisfied doing it that way , and I certainly would n't choose to interpret those things on one guitar . ’
15 ‘ I do n't think I could face any more peppermint or camomile , ’ said Scarlet , frankly .
16 I am not suggesting that I was a ‘ truly creative intellect ’ — merely that I was denied the opportunity to find out whether I could achieve any such position , and this was an omission I felt very keenly .
17 If I could have any day of my life over again , at the price of my right arm , it would be that day !
18 I became a very good eyeballer , and I could read any line on any green .
19 But before I could say any more , my dad 's voice came back .
20 Sure , I could use any investment that 's floating around .
21 The highest percentage of useful material I could find any editor to admit to was around 25 per cent and some quite literally stated that they did not bother with PR material at all .
22 She said I could keep any of the stuff she left behind , or sell it if I wanted , but I du n no about that .
23 ‘ Every month , on my fertile day , I get the feeling that I could grab any man and try to get pregnant — I know it 's a fantasy . ’
24 I was totally confident I could lose any nancified verger on my chosen ground , provided I had a decent start , which was precisely what I was giving myself .
25 Well , it makes a very good tale , only I do n't know if I could remember any of it ’ He beamed on Taliesin , and then said in an aside to Fribble that he had never yet heard of a Tyrian who did n't judge his wine remarkably well .
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