Example sentences of "i was given the " in BNC.

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1 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
2 I understood this only after I was given the Mont Blanc as a present .
3 I was given the option to have him put down at any time , but of course as time went on his recovery was more and more likely and my hopes got higher .
4 Whilst my sisters wiped up , from an early age I was given the task of transporting the clean china and utensils from the lid of the copper ( there was no draining board ) to the kitchen table for one of the adults to put away .
5 Finally I was given the number , but not the code for Guildford , connection being broken before I could ask for it .
6 Lucky me — I reckon I was given the best of both worlds .
7 I was given the inside lane and I was furious and protested .
8 I was given the address and telephone number of Iona Community House .
9 I was given the news last midnight and methought I would drown in the sorrow of my tears ! ’
10 As Chairman of the National Curriculum English Working Group I was given the responsibility of deciding on programmes of study for all children from 5 to 16 , of putting right what I regarded as a major omission in the Kingman Report .
11 I was given the job of going to fetch the agent , but Dad offered to go and so I went with him .
12 Soon she took my visits for granted and I was given the spare key to let myself in the door .
13 Finally I was given the go ahead and everything could be resealed .
14 Once I was given the address of Mikhoels ' wife , Anastasiya Pavlovna Pototskaya , and I was told that she had a lot of Chagalls , and that she may possibly want to sell them .
15 As third man in the party I was given the job of carrying the large FRCC guidebook of those days .
16 Thanks to McAlpine Helicopters , the Aerospatiale helicopter distributor for the UK , I was given the chance to join the PPL rotor wing elite … if only for the day .
17 I was given the taste for bigger journalism .
18 The change in my approach to mathematics began when I joined an in-service Diploma in Mathematics Education.2 In the first week I was given the task of making a 3 x 3 x 3 wooden cube made up of three different pentacubes and three different tetracubes .
19 Well i it it meant er Monday mornings you went out , you were given er an area in the town , and I was given the money area , as I termed it , Road and that .
20 I was given the opportunity to have a rehearsal with him but I declined because I am not like the professionals who can rehearse in detail and then put it over as fresh as a daisy when the time comes .
21 I was given the bosun 's cabin to sleep in .
22 All very ordinary , but I was given the impression that somehow we were just that little bit better than the other families in our street .
23 I was given the task of preparing a document , which was adopted without opposition in March 1991 by all nine nations and all four political parties .
24 My function was to select and train the Pathfinders , I was given the choice of what I claim was the best and if I did not pick the best .
25 When I yeah when I was commercial manager for er one of the things that I was given the job to do was to sort out the company 's buying .
26 I was given the information , ’ he told her , ‘ by a young man who 's horrified by what his brother has become because of drugs .
27 Mr Kaye writes : ‘ Through the intervention of my councillor , Eddie Clein , I was given the names of two officers .
28 While I was trying to develop this approach to meaning , I was given the opportunity to spend a year in the U.S.A. as a Harkness fellow ( 1964–1965 ) .
29 I C I was given the unfortunate impression with management more interested in running a big chemical company than in maximizing shareholder returns .
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