Example sentences of "i was [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The next day I was to take the train to Puno , yet another notorious journey .
2 If I locked my door at night , I was to take the key out , never leave the key in
3 Over the following three years , I was to see the keys again and , more often , the deeds of ownership to lost land .
4 I was to see the effect , in my own home , on my own children , that such tragedy could bring .
5 That Friday morning as we sat enjoying each other 's company and the fresh bread and pancakes , I was to see the rule practised once again .
6 Is that what it is– ’ Or if I was to see the doctor and my girlfriend happened to be seeing the doctor as well , this was just an excuse , according to them , for us to be together .
7 ‘ First , may I say how glad I was to see the honourable gentleman in the Government lobby last night , ’ Lang said .
8 But if I was to ask the same question throughout industry today the answer would be very different .
9 He himself would put the fear of God into the professors of Königsberg and Breslau ; I was to do the same thing in Danzig .
10 I was to do the counting — up to a hundred ( I could n't count up to a hundred , I had to do it in tens ) and when I opened my eyes he 'd have disappeared .
11 But , sad as I was to leave the arena of Ultra , for me there was no choice .
12 How happy I was to leave the island !
13 Never was I so glad to see anyone as I was to welcome the return of Gordon Hilker and Yehudi Menuhin later that evening after the concert .
14 If I was to describe the symptoms that would limit the songs too specifically for the listener . ’
15 On the Sunday evening I was to attend the SWET awards , and Ben Frow had produced a black and white spotted dress for me to wear .
16 It was the perfect moment to arrive in the city where I was to spend the next year .
17 On my arrival I was taken straight to Sick Bay where I was to spend the night , as a billet had not yet been found for me .
18 I was given a list of 12 absolutes that if the promoter could not provide , I was to cancel the gig on the spot .
19 Alas , I was to reach the age of sixty and retire before even the first sod was turned , but I am happy to relate that the building is now complete and occupied by AIB .
20 On the directions of the new heir to a £50 million fortune , I was to receive the state minimum of one week 's redundancy pay for each year 's service .
21 And I suppose , I mean if I was to answer the question was it a good thing I would have to say no .
22 So at last I was to savour the delights of staging at Rutbah Wells fort and , after travelling most of the daylight hours from Baghdad , it was bliss to get into the fort with all its comforts .
23 I was to stop the Deveril woman and proceed to Godstowe , do whatever was necessary to ensure Lady Eleanor did not embarrass the Crown or the English court . ’
24 WHEN I heard I was to interview the ‘ Mef , I got terribly excited .
25 ‘ If I was to insult the contestants I would be shooting myself in the foot .
26 If I was to buy the pond version for my 90 gallon marine system , then would n't this be more efficient , due to the slower flow rate , compared to that of our Koi-keeping friends ?
27 When I got home , a week later , wobbling about on crutches , I was to confront the grinding realities of being involved in a car crash .
28 Since I knew that I was to have the privilege of addressing this seminar , I have studied with great textual care the document issued by the federation under the title Dear Fellow Citizen because it appeared to me that it was ‘ the brief ’ for what I was to say to you .
29 You heard about the eh education secretary 's faux pas somebody from Jack section , he , he 's apparently he slipped up er , and said right and Jack said to him I was to tell the education authorities suggest that you do when the education er clerk turn to Mr and said you are just , streaming is when he put one child in the same group for all subjects , setting is when there in different groups according to their ability , so you could be a Maths set A or an English set B , awkward is n't it ?
30 My agent said he had some private work for me , and I was to contact the party myself . ’
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