Example sentences of "i as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I I as far as we 're concerned er the when bit is if you were are available er now we could even put you on this Thursday .
2 It er I I mean I as far as I 'm concerned it 's er extremely difficult to get people to er come to social events .
3 I think therefore it would be advisable to make the necessary adjustments in the costumes and send them to me as soon as possible .
4 At all events , I shall be much obliged to you if you will write to me as soon as possible — in order that , if you do not hold out any hope , he may not lose time , and if you do , that you may receive further information ; and he be put into the way of preparing himself , according to your wishes , for the situation .
5 ‘ Can you get him to call me as soon as possible ?
6 Then she said : ‘ So you see , I 'm making myself as unpleasant as I can — and I assure you I can ! — to make them want to get rid of me as soon as possible . ’
7 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as soon as possible .
8 As part of the Garden 's mandatory assessment of display screen equipment , all PC users are asked to complete the attached Self-Assessment Checklist and return it to me as soon as possible .
9 If anyone is interested in forming a group to go out and get petitions signed , or anything else we can think of as a group , please will they write to me as soon as possible .
10 If any of you are teaching groups who could be included in the sponsored system , please get in touch with me as soon as possible .
11 On we walk , discussing hobbies , like two old geezers , and she tells e how nice it is to talk to me like this as sometimes she feels she has n't got to know me as well as she would have liked .
12 It would seem that I had no choice in either matter , but whereas the former flattered me as well as frightened me , the latter insulted and enraged me .
13 I know you never considered Madeleine was the right girl for me and no one in this whole world knows me as well as you do , so I ca n't ignore your opinion , even though I 'd like to .
14 But I had not forgotten how she had lied , and behaved so badly to me as well as to Edgar Linton , so I did not feel sorry for her , or encourage her to talk .
15 The ghost of my son pursued me yet , his translucent image being reflected from the trunk of every tree , so that it sometimes appeared ahead of me as well as on every side .
16 ‘ By the time we 're married , you will know me as well as you know yourself .
17 I have had the former fitted up with Drawers for birds and books in hope to work going along and taking a quantity of birds with me as well as left over plates to cut up for box books etc .
18 No-one I know know a me as well as you will !
19 Listening to her heavy breathing and her occasional vigorous sniffs , I could feel her concentration as she followed behind me as surely as a blind bat senses light .
20 Forgive me as freely as I forgive you . ’
21 My eyes filled with tears , that took me as unexpectedly as one of the Corporal 's ambushes .
22 I mean it 's far too technical an and I , I , I would n't either , but erm it 's er as I said , it 's just er it was struck me as coincidentally since I was talking about this , this today .
23 It hit me as forcibly as a blow to the stomach .
24 I had the feeling that Signe had n't dismissed Harvey 's words of caution about me as completely as she professed and I carefully refrained from asking about the parcel .
25 God , do you think I 'd come near you , talk to you about it , touch you , if I did n't know for a certainty that you want me as badly as I do you ? ’
26 After all , as he had said — and now every word of our conversation came back to me as clearly as if played back on a tape — a woman has a right to decide , on the basis of her own capacity to cope with the situation , whether she is justified in going on with it .
27 It does n't come to me as easily as it does to you . "
28 Some time later , my headache had receded , my costume was discarded and my bunk was clasping me as tenderly as a mother 's arms .
29 ‘ Tell me as simply and quickly as you can , Bernadette , where does Mother Clare think that Eve is today ? ’
30 I must have studied her with attention for I find that I can at this moment , however reluctantly , see her face before me as distinctly as though I was still sitting in that coffee bar with a quarter of an inch of the brown dregs left in my cup .
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