Example sentences of "i have taken the " in BNC.

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1 She asked me whether I 'd taken the cat to the vet , and I admitted that I had n't .
2 On Wednesday I met Mrs Matthews in the street and she asked if I 'd taken the cat to the vet and I admitted that I had n't .
3 ‘ I remember one client who burst into tears before I 'd taken the first snip , ’ said top London stylist Trevor Sorbie .
4 Crawled until I could see the arrow only because it was pale against the bark , and knew I was already further away than when I 'd taken the last bearing .
5 I had n't needed to serve her : I 'd taken the tray from Cathy .
6 I tell ye , I was sorry I 'd taken the trouble . ’
7 But at least I 'd taken the first step , and not an easy step , considering what I 'd said to the doctor at our last meeting .
8 I wish I 'd taken the money now ! finding I was pregnant scared me more than anything , because my sister Vanessa was also pregnant and saying to me , " I 'm pregnant — what am I going to do ? "
9 But once I 'd taken the plunge and got myself organised , I found it was n't bad at all , and not nearly as difficult as I 'd imagined . ’
10 I rather wish I 'd taken the step earlier .
11 ‘ I did n't find out until after I 'd taken the lease on , but the department store on the corner has taken a lot of our casual trade . ’
12 And he only had to wait a couple of erm points left on his licence so if I 'd taken the dangerous thriving or something he could have lost his licence but erm that 's besides the point .
13 She wanted other children , and by then I 'd taken the decision never to have any more and had a vasectomy .
14 I had made my decision and I 'd taken the first step .
15 Nigel saw my anger and was obviously surprised that I had taken the review off the Cabinet agenda .
16 I had taken the Big C to Agincourt .
17 It was difficult to make sure I had taken the right things but not too much and I found I could have done with less .
18 I had taken the slabs one course back from the edge of the hole , and Lou had arranged them neatly in order , so we would know what went where .
19 I think she thought I had taken the wind out of Rossetti 's sails … .
20 Thankful that I had taken the trouble to gather dry wood while it was fine , I lighted the fire , and soon had a cheerful blaze going .
21 This time I had taken the precaution of tipping off the organizers in advance and swearing them to silence .
22 I had taken the decision to leave him .
23 Perhaps the others would blame me for deserting , I thought , but Captain Smollett would be pleased I had taken the Hispaniola , I was sure .
24 I had taken the first step when an elderly man touched my shoulder and asked in the lilting , Spanish-accented French of the region , if I wished to view the church .
25 Through the binoculars , I traced the path I had taken the night before when following Victor .
26 Mind you I 've taken the precaution of leaving all my nursing manuals at home .
27 I 've taken the lorry back to the depot and I 'm walking home if that 's what 's worrying you .
28 I 've taken the stake money , ’ she said .
29 I 've taken the film out of it . ’
30 ‘ Look , ’ he said , awkwardly , ‘ I know I 've taken the piss out of you in the past .
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