Example sentences of "i have seen the " in BNC.

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1 He will be reminded of the saying of Jesus , ‘ ’ He who has seen me has seen the Father . ’
2 Faith , by contrast , approaches Jesus with a radically different attitude , recognising in him the revelation of the invisible God , believing that it is true that ‘ he who has seen me has seen the Father ’ .
3 I 'd seen the Himalayas in the autumn , so I was able to imagine them .
4 I 'd seen the invitation pinned up prominently by Dee-Dee in the office : most of the racing world , it seemed , would be there to applaud .
5 I 'd seen the play — some touring company did it — they 'd made it into SF , all in space , and Oedipus was a two-headed Zaphod Beeblebrox character trying to kiss his mother with one of his faces and weep sorrowful tears with the other .
6 I 'd seen the naked soul of my Mother .
7 I could hardly remember having muffins before , although I 'd seen the muffin man in his white apron , a towel over his arm and a tray of muffins every Sunday afternoon .
8 I was beginning to get scared even before I 'd seen the film .
9 I 'd seen the film myself in a mixed audience of youth workers , and it had left many of us women upset and shaken .
10 My sights were wide-ranging " I 'd like to work for the Daily Mirror or the Telegraph , " I informed my friends , as I sank a pint in the way I 'd seen the big-boys do at the time of the by-election .
11 ‘ I thought I 'd seen the last of this particular fashion accessory . ’
12 Like where I 'd seen the bartender before .
13 I 'd seen the rails before , a set laid between the road and the water ; the rain was now making them glisten and smirk .
14 I 'd seen the Illusochamber advertised — for the rich — on the galacvid .
15 Even so , it set up a security precaution that had occurred to me when I 'd seen the cylinder .
16 Once I 'd seen the recording of the race I knew , although perhaps I did n't want to admit it straight away . ’
17 When I arrived in the airport I had seen the local paper which reported the sighting of one near Isafjördur .
18 I realized that the cheerfully forceful woman I had seen the day before must have been Mrs Maureen Kenny herself .
19 I would have to take a taxi back to Sligo once I had seen the sights , for there was no return bus .
20 I headed out of town and found the path through the woods where earlier I had seen the white hound running .
21 But nevertheless I had seen the Cabinet agenda getting more and more overflowing and , therefore , Cabinet decisions had to be taken quickly .
22 Suddenly I found myself moving forward and I crouched a little as I had seen the experts do in films .
23 The day I had seen the large round blob in my lung .
24 There is no space to go into detail about the ding-dong and the relevance of that remark , but it is gentlemanly mayhem at its best and I wish I had seen the first encounters between the CSIRO and its critic , who , I infer , also had a go at the research on skeleton weed .
25 In this damp clay I had left footprints , and over these footprints I now found the splayed-out pug marks of the tigress where she had jumped down from the rocks and followed me , until the kakar had seen her and given its alarm-call , whereon the tigress had left the track and entered the bushes where I had seen the movement .
26 I had seen the RAC adverts where the woman doctor breaks down and gets help straight away , ’ she said .
27 Falconry is not a sport confined to women , but on this occasion I felt I had seen the perfect emblem for the ‘ Mistress of the Beasts ’ .
28 I had seen the women of this tribe only once before .
29 Once back in the ops room , I laid the boy flat on his back , so far down the mattress that his dropped foot hung over the edge at the bottom , just as I had seen the Australian nurse do when I watched her during her London visit the previous year .
30 I had seen the island where time begins , and had come to the sorry realization that the Pacific , the vastest of all oceans , is a far more complicated entity — if indeed it could ever be regarded as such — than it was possible to imagine .
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