Example sentences of "i [am/are] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Emily and I are happy as we are . ’
2 I am uncertain as to whether I am capable of laying a drive in concrete .
3 ‘ And if I do n't earn those few thousand dollars then I am sure as hell not going to sail away with you .
4 Section er , I was very surprised indeed that er Hilary asking for a review of the service because in fact all one 's experience and I am sure as well tells us that this is a success story , it is something that petition after petition that we 've asking to keep it that way , shows that it is one of the services that the County provides which is very much appreciated by the recipients and we ca n't say that in all County Councils ' services but you can say it about er the section seventeen and I think you ought to acknowledge that Chairman .
5 I am warm as toast , ’ Joan said unsympathetically .
6 ( I am blind as a bat without and contact lenses are too expensive and who do you think you are , you should be studying . )
7 So I am wary as we begin our first rehearsal in the afternoon .
8 I am worried as well about the way you asked me where I went after we 'd arrived in Oxford because I did n't tell you the truth then either , I went to Holywell cemetery and went to the grave of a friend of mine .
9 Yet I am puzzled as to whether that would mean that we should leave our radios on , so long as the music coming from them is beautiful , in order that our rooms be filled with beauty even in our absence .
10 I am undecided as to whether this is because the British are an unadventurous and xenophobic nation , or whether it is because boules is a stupid game .
11 I have a waiting list , Miss Thorne , and I am overcrowded as it is .
12 I 'm pensive as we drag back round to the poorhouse .
13 At the same time , I 'm curious as to what this ‘ condition ’ is .
14 ‘ Get out , Harvey , I 'm late as it is . ’
15 I 'm late as it is . "
16 Go on , Hepzibah , I 'm strong as a horse now and I could do with some air . ’
17 ‘ Heaven ’ and ‘ The Power Lines ’ , the latter about transients apprenticed to roaming , are just as austerely convincing but Griffith has the real last line on herself and her music when she says ‘ I 'm fragile as December ’ .
18 I 'm sixty-one as it is and , truth told , I could n't work for one of them . ’
19 I 'm impressed as to how my new designs have some of the old messages .
20 Sue Parker — mother of Julian , who 's only eighteen , by the way , ’ added Leonora with a wicked little grin , ‘ is keen to go into partnership with her , and I can do what I do just as easily after I 'm married as before . ’
21 I 'm uncomfortable as hell doing comedy , but that 's good , 'cause when I 'm comfy I get complacent , then I get lazy and naff .
22 ‘ But I 'm certain as I can be that they ca n't win unless they have your grandfather .
23 ‘ I do n't know about you , but I 'm sure as hell not ready to die yet .
24 I 'm sure as death . ’
25 I 'm sure as er , as in here , yes .
26 I 'm fine as long it 's not too noisy for you .
27 Do n't take the mick out of Fatty Phil , I 'm fat as well !
28 ‘ Not only have I got skin even the Elephant Man would have rejected , but I 'm fat as well ? ’
29 I 'm happy as I am . ’
30 I 'm happy as long as we we get the definite six people definite .
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