Example sentences of "i [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Austrian officials were quite another matter ; middle-aged , self-confident , well dressed and courteous , they enquired how long I intended to stay , glanced in the boot , and waved me on with the hope that I would enjoy my stay .
2 Er I also need people to help me on with the bar wi serving on the bar .
3 Good thing you brought me along with the baggage , you know .
4 Well , I could do with a good box and that might put me in with a chance .
5 ‘ I 'm telling you , ’ she said , ‘ when I heard that big clock in the hall striking the five , you could 've knocked me down with a feather !
6 Well knock me down with a naked Klingon !
7 ‘ Knock me down with a feather , to coin a phrase , ’ said Andrée , ‘ it 's his , it 's saintly Michel 's retreat .
8 You could 've knocked me down with a feather when they tol ’ me . ’
9 You could have knocked me down with a kiwi fruit .
10 The problem was finally solved by fixing a wire to my ankle and running it under the rock to an aqualunged diver , who on a signal from Stuart would tug on the wire and pull me down with the speed of an express lift , and would let go when my face turned blue .
11 Yes I in with the Debs card yes .
12 Someone , at some stage , had worked me over with a tool , a spike or a blunt shiv .
13 She looked me over with an expression that matched her tone .
14 After askin ’ how everything was doing back home , he waved me through with a laugh .
15 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , you may keep your door closed and not answer when I ring the bell , you may refuse to answer my letters or return my calls when I leave a message on your answering machine , but sooner or later we are bound to meet and this time I will not let you fob me off with a smile .
16 Do you mean that that bloody fool Hector McGillivray fobbed me off with a boat that 's — that 's been- ? ’
17 ‘ When I was at drama school , they paired me off with a lovely actor who was only five foot eight and we had to play husband and wife !
18 Who 'll start me off with a fiver ? ’
19 I said so , and you fobbed me off with the excuse that you 'd been talking about Lilian 's twin .
20 With that she saw me off with an invitation to visit her the next day after school but that I was to tell my parents in case they were worried where I was .
21 Finally , my old friend Alistair Sampson set me up with a cheerful office over his shop in the Brompton Road , where I am gathering stock and beginning life again .
22 One memorable day I wandered along to a municipal course and sat waiting while they fixed me up with a fourball .
23 There 's a power cut ; the lights go out and we light candles and gas lamps and end up — a hard core of seven of us ; Andy , me , Howie , another two local lads and a couple of the traveller boys — down in the snooker room where there 's a beat-up looking table and a leak in the ceiling that turns the whole of the stained , green-baize surface into a millimetre-shallow marsh , water dripping from each pocket and dribbling down the bulky legs to the sopping carpet , and we play snooker by the light of the hissing gas lamps , having to hit the white ball really hard even for delicate shots because of the extra rolling resistance the water causes , and the balls make a zizzing , ripping noise as they race across the table and sometimes you can see spray curving up behind them and I 'm feeling really drunk and a bit stoned from a couple of strong Js smoked out in the garden earlier with the travellers but I think this dimly lit water-hazard snooker is just hilarious and I 'm laughing maniacally at it all and I put an arm round Andy 's neck at one point and say , You know I love you , old buddy , and is n't friendship and love what 's it 's really all about ? and why ca n't people just see that and just be nice to each other ? except there are just so many complete bastards in the world , but Andy just shakes his head and I try to kiss him and he gently fends me off and steadies me against one wall and props me up with a snooker cue against my chest and I think this is really funny for some reason and laugh so much I fall over and have distinct problems getting up again and get carried to my room by Andy and one of the travellers and dumped on the bed and fall instantly asleep .
24 and cleaned me up with a large whitewash brush .
25 Maybe I 'd better wing out there right away and have them fix me up with a temporary .
26 His reaction to my essay , on the other hand , brought me up with a jolt ; and although what I had written is of no interest — I seem to have lost the manuscript , so that is the end of the matter — I carne to value his negative appraisals .
27 Crilly sets me up with a tube and foil .
28 ‘ They spend their entire lives trying to match me up with the most unsuitable women you could possibly hope to meet . ’
29 In a kindly voice ( for which , later , he felt like smacking her ) , she said , ‘ I think you are mixing me up with the child our mother had in the late 1930s . ’
30 I lit a cigarette , whose first jab doubled me up with an unmufflable bark of outrage from my lungs .
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